chapter 10

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I could see Summer coming out of the building with some tall kid. When they got closer I could see that he was pretty good looking. He had dark hair that fell over one eye and was edged with blue. He was really tall and kind of lanky looking. I asked Summer who he was. Lewis. That's cool.

"Summer's new best friend!" He declared, wrapping his arm around her. This was one of the first times I'd seen Summer properly comfortable with a boy! Except Louis and Luke, and they were just best friends. She was normally extremley awkward but this was different. I could tell she liked him already. I could see Rosie wiggling her eyebrows at Summer when Lewis sat right next to her. An empty bench and he sits close as possible. Maybe Summer wasn't the only one with a little crush! I figured that Lewis did like Summer when they started making faces at eachother and smiling everytime the other talked. He watched her, when she was talking and when she was just sat playing with her fingers. She always did that when she was nervous.

I turned to Louis,

"Them two, you think they" He cut me off "Like eachother? Definitely! You should of seen them in English sat together!"

I could see Summer looking at me sideways. I smiled and raised my eyebrows. She just ignored it, looking round to Lewis smiling.

We ended up questioning them about the whole making face at eachother thing. Everytime someone said something they'd look at eachother, raising their eyebrows and laughing. It was weird but kinda cute as well!


I saw Summer and Lewis heading towards the benches. I looked at Louis and wiggled my eyebrows. We both knew they liked eachother. Auburn asked who the cute boy was. I hadn't really noticed but I guess he was kind of cute! Summer introduced him and he wrapped an arm round her shoulder, telling everyone that he was her new best friend. Summer sat on the empty bench opposite me. Lewis walked over and sat right at her side. Iys not like he had to sit that close. There was loads of room next to him but he sat aas close as possible so that the sides of their legs were touching. I wiggled my eyebrows at Summer and she just shook her head and laughed, looking up at Lewis. He looked at her, raising his eyebrows and laughing. She giggled and they carried on looking at eachother smiling for longer than seemed normal. It was so obvious they liked eachother. I couldn't help but notice that everything Summer did Lewis watched her, and when she looked at him he smiled and turned slightly pink. A giggle normally accompanied his blushing and smiling! Louis pointed them at them asking what was going on with them. Summer acted confused, but she knew what he meant. Lewis just looked down, smiling and playing with his phone. I decided to 'remind' Summer about how her and lewis acted around eachother.

"You keep smiling at eachother and laughing, its like there's some kind of inside joke we don't know about!"

Summer was going to say something and I could tell she was just going to deny everything. But then Lewis spoke instead.

"If you knew about it, it wouldn't be an inside joke!" He looked at Summer grinning and raising his eyebrows. She looked back raising one eyebrow. They bost burst into a fit of giggles.

"There you go again!" Louis pointed out.


I could see the new boy sat with Rosie's friend. What was her name!? Summer! They were laughing. He seriously thought she had a better chance than me!? Ha, pathetic. He was so cute, he'd just chosen the wrong group. I'm sure I could change his mind though. I decided I would talk to him next lesson, and try and get him away from the freaks. Honestly he coukd do so much better. Especially if he ditched the blue hair!


I could see new boy and Summer walking over to where Auburn was sat. She was looking at him smiling. Seriously! She liked him?. No chance for me then. That was, until everyone saw the way he looked at her. I was pretty sure that was how I looked at Auburn sometimes. Matt shook me,

"Seriously!? Watching Auburn again!"

I looked down, obviously blushing.


It was hard not to watch her. Sounds creepy but it was true!

"Just talk to her about it! I'm sure she likes you!"

Matt patted me on the shoulder and gestured towards Auburn.

"Fine I'll do it!"

I stood up and headed towards them shaking. Why was I so nervous!? Oh wait! Because its Auburn!

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