Chapter 8- The Captain's Return

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"Everything looks perfectly healthy, Mrs. Norrington. Remind me, how long is your husband away?" The doctor asked me the familiar question as he put his equipment back in his bag. "Five months, he's sailing for two and staying in London for three. He's already been gone for four months." He nodded, "Have you told him in any of your letters yet?" Elizabeth giggles, her hand on my shoulder as she stands at the bedside. "Oh no, she insists on seeing his reaction when he finds out, so it's going to be a surprise." The doctor laughed, shaking his head. "I have no doubt he'll be surprised when he comes home to find his wife six months pregnant with twins." We all laugh, "I know he'll be elated, I'm not even the slightest bit worried that he won't be."

It had been six months since James and I had returned from our honeymoon. We were given a month to settle into our manner before he went back to London to help train new recruits. A few days after he left I had gotten sick, so Elizabeth came to take care of me. "It didn't take long for us to realize that I wasn't actually sick, but in fact, pregnant. We learned it was twins just over a month ago when we realized I was growing at an abnormally quick rate. The doctor confirmed it after finding two heartbeats, and the poor man was almost tackled by an excited Elizabeth trying to hug him. "Alright dear," the doctor continued as we escorted him to the door, "Remember to do light exercise, proper dieting, and lots of rest. I'll be back in a week, send for me if anything happens before then." Elizabeth and I waved goodbye as he climbed into his carriage and rode off.

"I wish my life was half as exciting as yours," Elizabeth cooed, "A wonderful new husband, your first children on the way, and James' cousin moving to Port Royal. It must be impossible for you to be bored!" I groan in despair, "Oh, I forgot about James' cousin! How am I to be a good wife and hostess in a month when I'm already this big now?" We sit next to each other on my sofa, and Elizabeth puts her arm around me. "You're already perfect in James' eyes, nothing is going to change that. I'll be by your side through the entire pregnancy, and as long as you need me afterward. We'll hire more house staff to take care of the chores and a nurse to help you when I can't." I smile at her, "I merely blinked and you grew up when I wasn't watching. I couldn't be more proud of you." She smiles at me, far wiser than any teen I've met.

I rest my head on her dainty shoulder. "I'm scared Lizzie, what if I'm not ready for this?" She rubs my back gently, "I know you are, what you need is the support of your family. James won't be home for a month, but there's someone else you need to stop avoiding." I sit up firmly, nodding in agreement. "Tell the footman to fetch the carriage, we're going to the Governor's mansion." Elizabeth helps me prepare quickly, putting me into a new maternity dress she bought me, taking the braids out of my hair, and applying light makeup to even out my pale completion.  Only a ten-minute carriage ride later, we arrive at the home I lived in only months ago. A butler greets us at the door, taking our parasols and handbags before pointing us to the living parlor. "Father, I'm home!" Elizabeth states as she enters the room while I quietly follow. "You're earlier than usual, how is your sister?" He doesn't bother looking up from the book he's reading, and I can't hold in my giggle. "Why don't you ask her yourself?"

My father's head shoots up at the sound of my voice, and his jaw drops the second he sees me. Over halfway through my pregnancy with twins, I'm quite round and obviously expecting. He stands up slowly in complete shock. "Lily, are you..." He can't even get the words out of his mouth. "Yes, with twins. In about four months, you'll be a grandfather." Tears appear in the corner of his eyes as he slowly approaches me, engulfing me in a hug after getting a closer look. "Oh, Lillian, I've missed you so much. Please don't leave me like that again." I can't help but tear up a bit myself, "I know, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make sure it was real before I got you excited. I promise I won't wait so long next time." He chuckled releasing the hug and grabbing my hands. "Twins?" he asks me with a delighted twinkle in his eyes. I look over at Lizzie, who's grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah," I laugh lightly, "You're a grandfather of two."

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