2.05 - conscience

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trigger warning; mentions of self harm.

briar was always a naturally guilty person

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briar was always a naturally guilty person. her conscious was always quick to make her punish herself and this time was no different. what if she kept looking through the night? what if they didn't see the deer, and they caught her hiding in a tree? what if she pushed harder?  she was sat on the porch swing, her head hung low with tears daring to flow over and onto her already stained cheeks. the group had decided to leave her alone, and give her time to grieve.  glenn burst out onto the front porch, startling briar as she jumped back and wiped her tears from her rosy cheeks, the ever-nearing winter making her shiver involuntarily. "hey, bri. you seen hershel?" her head shook slightly, the younger boy sighing before rushing back into the house. the silence comforted the grieving girl and she looked off to the now desolate barn.

briar was sat at the kitchen table while beth stood at the sink, pouring herself some water before her face turned a ghostly white, her eyes rolling back before she fell to the floor. the world seemed to slow down, briar leaping out of her seat to support her as the blonde took her to the ground, beth's eyes staring off into another world. "beth? honey, can you hear me?" her small frame remained still and stiff, feeling like a plank of wood. briars voice called for maggie in a frantic way before her best friends tall frame came bounding through the doorframe, her eyes panicked. she couldn't lose anybody else, everybody else was gone.

 she couldn't lose anybody else, everybody else was gone

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beth was in shock. they weren't too surprised, as the poor fifteen year-old girl had went through more than most in a few days. maggie and briar sat on the small girls bed, not pushing her to talk but made sure that she knew they were there for her. briar left the bedroom, leaving the two greene girls to have a moment together. her feet ached; she hadn't been up for a while and all of the sudden activity she had endured had pulled all of the muscles in her slim body. she went into the bathroom that was downstairs in the house that she called home those years ago, standing and staring at herself in the old mirror. her face was red, eyes bloodshot and her hair that was once in a tight braid that travelled down her back was now a matted mess that made her look as if she was dragged through a bush by her hair. her body had lost a severe amount of weight, her arms that she was always insecure about in high school were now slim like the other girls. sighing heavily, she took out the loose hairband that was barely hanging onto her hair out, brushing it through with her dirty hands, before putting it all into a tight ponytail that was sure not to move for the next two days or so.

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