Part Five...

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*A/N: Sorry it's been so long, here is part five I give a little warning for this chapter and I should be posting a character recap soon just outlining who is who and what they look like because in writing this I realise I have an image in my head but not many others do- don't forget to comment, vote and share! Enjoy the chapter!

Part Five...


Where have you been!?" He shouts before I have even passed the threshold. He stands before me, hands balled on his hips and his appearance scruffy like he'd been wearing them for days- a tie barely handing on around his neck, the top of his shirt undone and the bottom untucked, his dark brown fly away hair is a mess on the top of his head as if he had been pulling at it continuously making it seem out of place to his usual short and soft style.

"Out." I sigh sniffling as the wet cold clothes that cling to my body begins to set deep into my bones making me shiver and My eyes water.

"Out!? do you know how worried I've been! I called all day and no reply, I come home early and you aren't here! I thought you'd left me." His sudden toxic mood becomes quiet, his shouting turns to a whisper as I stand there and flinch.

"I was looking for a job. I am so bored sat at home all the time waiting for something new to come on the tv. I could resight every word of every episode of Judge Judy!" I snap, closing the door and trying to make my way into the kitchen. But he stops me. His large bulky arm, from years of playing jock, lashes out in my way. I jump at the sound of his hand slamming up against the wall to my right, millimetres away from my cheek.

"You don't need to work. You are meant to be here. You are mine so you should be here when I need you and where I need you. Got that." he says it in a tone that makes my blood turn cold, his possessive side had always made me feel safe and loved, but this side of him was wicked and malicious.

"I said got it!" With a startled yelp I am held by the soaking wet collar of the jacket I was wearing, pushed against the wall and the snarling of his heavy breath is flush against my face. From here I can amell the alcohol, the bitter poison mixed with his spiced cologne, it smells foreign to me like it doesn't belong.

"Why do you constantly disobey me huh?" He says softer now, pleadingly and sadly almost but the venom is still there. It's like he knows he hurt me, not physically but mentally. He knows he can be my worst kind of destruction.

But with a sting, a siren pulse in my ear and an ache where my jaw is clenched so tight, I am reeled against the floor with a hard punch. My body slumps and before I can pick myself up I feel cold hard hands grab my shoulders as I am yanked up from the floor.

I have never seen this side of him before, the mask he wears shows it's him but the hit of liquid courage and the pull of his father's death has made his features old and spiteful. His eyes look more sour, the beautiful hazel and cinnamon colour swirled with a burning rage; his skin pale with haze of sweat as if he is sickly and feverish. My Chase in that moment was gone.

"Why, Violet why? Am I not enough for you? is it the money? Is it the house? Why do you have to reject everything I do for you like I'm the gum on your show. Why can't you just be happy?" He sounds so weak but I know his crushing grip on my ribs proves me wrong. Even in the moment he sobers a little and let's me go his eyes flash with regret.

"I don't want to be a little house wife, I don't want to be lifeless because I got a GED, I'm not a i d anymore." the tears fall down my face as I cling to my side's as if I'm holding myself together.

With a trembling hand he reaches out to touch the falling tear, "Don't touch me." I flinch away from me startled as I shuffle back away from him.
With a wince I grab the keys from the hall table and storm to the door. I don't turn back until I make it to the car where I stop for just a second waiting. In that moment I pray for him to follow me ou the door. But he never does.

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