Part Seven

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Part Seven...


The wheels swerved and skidded on the wet road, I was swung and catapulted. A scream pulsing from someone inside of me I never knew existed, my cry running through me and making my body tense with the jolt of a collision. With every spin and movement I could just picture his perfect hazel whirlpools lapping over the black islands in the middle of his eyes, his short chocolate silk hair that was always a perfected mess and his defined face any model would be proud to have.

The car began to race out of control and as my body left the seat the belt snapped and let me fly through the windscreen onto the car I had just crashed into.

I felt the warmth melt from my head and flow around my neck; I could feel my arms go limp and my body motionless apart from the slowing rising of my chest. I could hear a voice in my head cry out, trying to make it to my lips.

"Chase! Please Chase. I love you." I wanted to scream but all I could see was red... slowly fading into black, black night, black sleep... black death.

It was my first day of school, I didn't like it but some girls asked me to be their friends, I didn't want to be but I told them I would because one seemed really nice. But I didn't want to be doing handstands showing my panties like the other girls. Instead I did back bends on the grass, that way my black dress wouldn't fall down and my tartan shirt covered up my arms if I fell. I realised I wasn't like my friends- they all had white hair and wore lots and lots of pink; they danced around not caring if their panties showed- they were singing songs or rhymes I didn't really understand plus they all had an audience of boys- but not me. I wanted to be alone. I want to be over by the boys playing in the sand pit but one boy is eating a lollipop that he dropped in the sand. The other boy had long hair like Thor but it wasn't blonde, it was brown but not my brown it was light brown like his eyes.

He was on the bus on the way home with a littler boy who told everyone he drew a unicorn making people look at him- I looked but only to see the other boy look away with red cheeks- like I get when I've been upside down too long.

I had to wait a long time till I got to my stop, my new house was so nice, my parents weren't home but they told me as soon as I stopped I had to run home and not speak to anyone.

When I got into my house I went to my room where I played tea-party with my teddy, mommy told me to get dressed pretty because we were going to the new neighbours house for dinner.

When we ring the bell I hear a man shout that he would get it and when the door opens a man with light brown hair smiles and welcomes us but I shy back a little scared because he was a stranger.

I hear him say, "Chase, Shaw say hello to the Samuel's they just moved in next door, this is their daughter Violet she goes to your school." I step forward to see the boy from earlier with the little boy, he has a name! Chase. I like that name, it suits him- he has hazel eyes that match his messy hair. He looks down at my shirt and I wonder if he can tell I am wearing and Iron Maiden one underneath, I feel myself giggle under my breath as he goes red again.  

"H-h-h-hi." He says and I feel myself become hot at my cheeks, oh no I'm blushing.

"Hey." I feel myself say awkwardly. Come one Violet, be nice, you're okay- he's really awesome.

Then his parents show my parents into the kitchen where they talk about wine or something, the little boy is taken with his dad beginning to sleep on his shoulder.

And with pride and confidence in my step I step forwards taking his hand. "We are going to be super-secret best friends. Let me show you something." Without a breath I tug him out of the front door round the house to my back garden where a big oak tree stands with a treehouse in its branches.

"Is it safe?" he ask gulping at the thought of it not holding both our weight.

"Of course silly... follow me." I can't stop myself from giggling and begin to climb the rope ladder into the wooden house damp with rain and earthy from the wood.

I see him look scared, he had water eyes and he keeps closing his eyes. "Don't be scared." I tell him as I still hold his hand, my hand feels so tiny and in his cold hand, he has longer skinnier fingers than I do and I feel stupid because mine are like little sausages and I don't like it.

"I'm not."

"Good." I say before leaning in and placing my lips on his, I keep my eyes open, this is weird- he closes his eyes. Wait do I close mine too? I've never done this before. I really like him. I don't want to let go so I keep our lips attached but don't move, until my mom calls us inside. We part and blush before he helps me down like a gentlemen from the tree. That was my first kiss. I love him already... I think I always will.

I woke to the sound of beeping and a faint dripping noise, it pounded in my head repeating and quickening the drips replaying with a different rhythm and hammering into my head, I looked around and I didn't recognise anything not the people watching over me appearing as black silhouettes, the white walls, the flickering light above my head that buzzed in an annoying monotone with the dripping and beeping, the cold and rough sheets wrapped around me, the line of object I could barely lift my head up to see in front of me. There was a searing pain in my head and a sharp jolt of fire spread through me. I tried to sit up but my arms wouldn't let me, I couldn't feel anything, I didn't understand anything, I was lost in my mind. What happened? Where am I?

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