First Meetings (pt. 1)

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Player and you happened to be playing EVADE (a game on Roblox) on the same server coincidentally. For some reason, whenever a new round started, you two always spawned near each other which resulted in having to save each other several times. After playing together for a while, Player decided to friend you. When you received the request you accepted without thinking much of it and you talked a little bit in Roblox chats, nothing deep though, simple things like "hi" "hru" "im good". You also played with Player sometimes and joined him in other games in Roblox. You wouldn't call him a good friend, just a random online person who you played with from time to time, how could you consider him a friend when you didn't even know his name anyways. While you didn't think much of it, Player enjoyed your company in playing games and admired how good you were at playing them too and sometimes he'd try to have a more deep convo in the Roblox chats, but since it wasn't the most practical way to chat, you tended not to check much. So, that's why he decided to do a little bit of hacking and searching to find your discord account. You noticed the friend request in your discord account, but there were no mutual friends or mutual servers so you were thinking, who is this person!?  But, thankfully they sent some dms. You should have left your dms closed to only friends but you never felt the need to since, who was gonna hack you anyways? It wasn't like your discord account had any secrets or anything that could help a hacker. You noticed the person who had added you had a white hat as a profile picture and you hesitantly clicked to read the dms before deciding if it was safe to accept or decline the friend request. The dms read as

Whitehat_Player: hello!

[your username]: umm who is this???

Whitehat_Player: oh you can call me Player!

[your username]: ok "player", but i still don't know who you are

Whitehat_Player: we met in Evade? On Roblox? And we play games together sometimes?

You thought about it for a bit, and suddenly you realized why the username looked so familiar as if you'd seen it somewhere before, it was the same one as the friend you had on Roblox!

[your username]: oh hi but how did you find my discord...

Whitehat_Player: I'm a white hat hacker, I did a little bit of research and hacking to find it

[your username]: a what?

Whitehat_Player: a white hat hacker, someone who hacks for good purposes

[your username]: well surely hacking me can't be a good thing

On the other side of the screen, Player laughed a bit at this reaction and went back to typing to respond

Whitehat_Player: no worries, I didn't steal any of your robux or anything your account is safe

You wanted to believe him but you didn't, so you checked your Roblox account anyways, and surprisingly, nothing had changed and nothing was stolen and you were able to login successfully.

[your username]: yeah your right

Whitehat_Player: you're*

[your username]: i- shut up

Player chuckled at this and realized, he didn't even know your name

Whitehat_Player: btw, what's your name?

[your username]: umm why would i tell you, you could possibly be some 40 year old man for all I know

Whitehat_Player: awh why so rude, and I'm actually 16

You wondered why this guy was telling so much about himself to some random person online, or maybe he really was a 40 year old man just trying to earn your trust but it didn't feel like he was...

online friends. [player x reader oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now