Authors Note: This is part two of the scenario when y/n is on team red, right now we're still learning about how y/n met team red and joined them in the first place, enjoy! Oh also this is before Crackle gets his memory erased but after Carmen joins Ivy & Zack.
—The Next Day—
Your POV:
I sighed as I walked around the museum exhibits with my camera. Why have I been going to so many museums recently you must be wondering, well you see, my mom has been ill recently and requested me to send her lots of pictures of the nearby museums so here I am, taking pictures of the Egyptian exhibit. I had just finished taking the last one when suddenly the lights flashed and went out, leaving the museum in darkness. It was evening, so us people inside the museum couldn't rely on daylight. Voices of the tourists around me starting yelling and screaming in panic of the sudden blackout. I too was panicking, but I wasn't the type to be loud about my emotions so I stood there hyperventilating. Soon after, I heard some security approaching.
"Everyone! Exit the museum premises immediately! There may possibly be an intruder and we are working to solve this issue as soon as possibly!" one of the officers yelled.
All the tourists started running around, trying to find their way outside of the darkness as well as myself, who had been wandering around, looking for an exit.
I was about to leave when I heard a loud commotion behind me so I turned my head to see what was happening.
Since it was dark I had to squint, but I managed to make out 2 people. One was the same lady with the red trench coat (Carmen) from yesterday! While the other one, who seemed to be fighting with her, was a male who had shoulder length brown hair and some sort of electric contraption in his hands (crackle/gray btw).
I must have caught the attention of the red coated lady because she made a motion with her hands which I guessed meant signaling me to leave immediately and let her deal with the issue. I really should have just left, I wanted to leave to, but I was too scared to so I ended up just standing there frozen with my eyes wide open watching the crime scene pass before my very own eyes.
The two of them fighting started getting closer to me, and I was desperate to move away and leave but I was still standing there frozen like an idiot. Along with being frozen, my head must have been somewhere else because before I knew it, Crackle was coming straight at me tripping backwards from one of Carmen's stunts. Thankfully, my reflexes saved me in that moment and I managed to kick my leg upto his neck putting pressure on it and making him fall down to the ground unconscious. I just stared for a few seconds blinking my eyes repeatedly at what just happened when the elusive Carmen Sandiego appeared next to me once again.
"Not too shabby" she said, startling me and causing me to turn my head facing her.
"Heh, you really think so..?" I said awkwardly, while scratching the back of my neck.
I may have mentioned this before, but I wasn't the most courageous person, in fact, I was pretty shy and felt anxious around new people often.
"Wait a second, aren't you y/n!? The same girl from yesterday's museum caper?" Carmen exclaimed, recognizing me.
"Yeah, wait .. how do you know my name!?!" I said with my eyes wide open looking at her.
"Just a hunch, what brings you to another museum this fine evening?" Carmen asked, "it's almost as if you want to get caught up in these thefts.." then eyed me suspiciously.
"N-no, you have the wrong idea, I'm just a tourist visiting these museums, that's all! Just a funny coincidence, heh..." I said looking down at the ground awkwardly, "you know, you're so skilled at fighting and really cool, where did you learn all those stunts anyways!"
Now it was Carmen's turn to widen her eyes, "long story, but you're pretty skilled too, that reminds me, have you had time to think about my offer?" She asked.
I was just about to respond when I heard another voice from behind us, me and Carmen turned to see it was Crackle, who had woken up from his unconsciousness.
"Fight now, talk later! You know, y/n, help me out here would'cha?" Carmen said as she got back into the scene.
I didn't want to disappoint her, and honestly I was sort of enjoying this so I nodded my head shakily and stood next to her.
Carmen had started off by trying to kick and punch Crackle, trying to move him away into a wall so she could receive the goods.
I really wanted to help her so I tried to do a few punches myself, though they came off pretty weakly.
"Who's your friend Carmen?" Crackle asked seeing me.
"This is uhm..." Carmen responded,
"C/N! I'm C/N!" I said proudly as my face heated up from the embarrassment.
"Anyways, no matter how many friends you make, you're not gonna beat VILE!" Crackle said ignoring my introduction.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Carmen said while smirking and pointing above to the second floor, where a redhead girl and boy who looked like siblings had just secured some artifacts and were now leaving the building from an exit in the ceiling.
"..You were the distraction!" Crackle shouted angrily.
"Mhm! Now have fun explaining to VILE that the artifacts were stolen because you were distracted fighting me rather than guarding them!" Carmen said as she got ahold of me and pulled us up to the ceiling with her grappling hook.
The redhead girl (Ivy) high-fived her brother (Zack) and said, "yeah! Another successful caper! Good job out there guys!"
"The priceless artifacts won't be getting stolen by VILE tonight, thanks to you guys!" shouted a voice from Carmen's phone which appeared out of nowhere.
"Wait, wait, wait, so you guys are thieves that only steal from other thieves and return everything?" I asked, confused.
"I guess you could put it that way, in other words, our mission is to take down VILE, an international crime company that steals and does thievery around the globe" Carmen said clearing up my confusion.
"And you want me to join you guys?" I said, still trying to piece everything together in my brain.
Zack and Ivy shot me thumbs-up and smiled my way.
"So what's it gonna be Y/N, or should I say C/N?" Carmen said looking my way.
It would be a dangerous path if I decided to accept their invite, but I would be helping in saving the world, and I had to admit, these capers were scary.. but really fun!
All this led into me answering Carmen with, "yes I'll join you guys in your mission."
Zack and Ivy erupted in cheers and Carmen just smiled my way.
"Welcome to the team, but don't get too cozy, we have many missions and capers ahead of us" she said, still smiling.Author's Note: Yippie! Y/n is finally part of Carmen's crew! Yeah I know there was barely any player x reader here but I really wanted to first settle down y/n joining the crew before I could get to the romantic stuff, thanks again for reading! Player x reader is sure to appear in the next few chapters!!

online friends. [player x reader oneshots]
FanfictionFor all the player simps like me // A series of player x reader oneshots, I take requests! // Original characters from Netflix series, Carmen Sandiego