Author's Note: This is pt 3 of the scenario where y/n is in team red and is helping them with missions and capers. ALso y/n's introduction story is done so this is just the continuation of the caper she was on back in pt 1. of "my first caper" and this is before shadowsan joins team red.
Your POV:
Now that you guys know who I am and how I joined team red, let's get back into the caper in Paris with the Eiffel tower we were currently working on."We're in." Carmen said as me and her had both just entered the Eiffel tower.
Using a grappling hook and going from the top of the tower might have been a more sneaky way to get in, but it was really risky so we ended up going from the bottom. We made a plan that Carmen would sneak through the elevator chambers while I would go up the stairs so if VILE happened to spot one of us, we could distract the operative while the other focused on securing the goods VILE was after.
I could say that I had some experience with capers with team red, but it still gave me nerves when I sneaked alone not knowing where VILE operatives could mysteriously appear from. I had just gotten to the top flight of the stairs when I heard a commotion from underneath. I looked down to see that Tigress had spotted Carmen and they were currently fighting. Then Carmen shot a glance at me and winked, signaling that she would stall Tigress so I could secure the goods.
"c/n, are you sure you can do this?" Player's voice said into my earbud.
"Yeah, no worries, Carmen's stalling Tigress so I'll go sneak it"
"Be careful, there could be another VILE operative hiding somewhere"
After hearing Player's words I took a few glances around, and if there was an operative, they were no where in sight. I just got off the last flight of stairs and took a quick look at my surroundings and gulped. I was near the top of the Eiffel tower and so so high up, I may have had a little fear of heights...
Player must have heard me gulp because the next thing he said was, "you okay c/n?"
"Y-y-yeah, I'm fine!" I said shakily moving away from the view.
No one knew about my fear of heights, because I was scared if I had told team red, they would have thought I wasn't suited to be in their crew. Player may have been catching on unfortunately...
"Okay, I just disabled the security cams, the chamber is ready to enter" Player's voice chimed into my earbud.
"Got it, going in now!"
I had just opened the door when Player's voice quickly emerged from my earbud, "WAIT! c/n, before you open the door, I'm sensing the presence of another individual inside the chamber!"
Well, it was too late for that, I was now standing face to face with the operative, it was Le Chèvre.
"So, your the new member of Carmen's crew eh? Aren't you too young to be stopping crime?" He said with a smirk while tightening the drawstring of a black bag, which I assumed was where the stolen goods were hidden.
I took a deep breath before saying, "Y-yes I am, now give me the bag."
"One sec, let me alert Carmen about goatman so she can get here to help you fight" Player said as he clicked away.
"That won't be necessary Player," Carmen said as she just arrived onto the scene.
I looked down to where Carmen and Tigress were fighting to a now, unconscious Tigress lying on the ground. La Chèvre must have also noticed the unconscious Tigress because he was trying to exit the chamber. Thankfully, me and Carmen were guarding the exit. Carmen blew the first kick onto La Chèvre only for him to dodge. I, then tried to kick, only for him to dodge again and he jumped into the air landing on a higher surface within the chamber.
"Don't let him get out! If he manages to get to the outside exterior of the Eiffel tower, there's no telling where he could get off to!" Player said into our earpieces.
Me and Carmen nodded and continued trying to snatch the bag from La Chèvre. This continued on for the next few minutes and finally Carmen managed to punch him hard in the face, letting me manage to sneak the bag away from his hands.
"C/n! Hurry and get the goods to Ivy & Zack at the bottom! I'll finish dealing with La Chèvre" Carmen said, turning her head to face me.
I quickly exited the chamber, making sure to close the door, and hurried down the stairs. I was going down quickly, when I noticed that where Tigress was laying unconscious, she was now nowhere to be seen? I ignored it and continued going down when I heard a raspy woman voice from behind me.
"Leaving so soon?" said the woman, being Tigress landing a huge kick on me causing the bag to go flying the air and me tumbling down the stairs.
"C/N!" Player's voice said worriedly as I felt my eyelids getting heavy and drifting off.
It must have been the last thing I heard, because the next thing I knew was that I was out, cold, lying on the bottom of the staircase at the Eiffel tower.
I, awoke to find myself in the backseat of the car, with Zack driving up front, Carmen on the seat next to him, and Carmen sitting next to me.
"C/n! You're finally awake!" Ivy said turning back to face me.
"D-did w-we secure the g-goods..?" I said shakily, with my body aching in several places.
"That's not important right now, how are you feeling?" Carmen said looking at me.
"I-i'm fine" I said, clenching my head to stop the pain.
"Sure doesn't look that way," Ivy said worriedly looking at my state of pain.
"We should get you to a hospital" Carmen said while typing something on her phone.
"N-no, w-we have to s-stop VILE f-from getting away..! D-don't w-worry about m-me..." I said as my eyes dozed off a bit.
"Zack, head to the nearest hospital!" Carmen said, ignoring me.
"Got it, Carm!" Zack said.
"B-but, w-what about VILE..?" I said
"We'll deal with VILE later, first we have to check your injuries!" said a voice following the appearance of Player on the car's main screen.
For some strange reason, the sight of Player made the injuries more bearable and I forced a slight smile upon hearing his worried voice.

online friends. [player x reader oneshots]
FanfictionFor all the player simps like me // A series of player x reader oneshots, I take requests! // Original characters from Netflix series, Carmen Sandiego