First Encounter

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Brec's POV
As i stood their motionless in front of about 30 people, the teacher decided to introduce me instead of me saying something stupid like name and is my brec. Wow that would have been so embarrassing. I could hear it now, "Oh have you seen the new girl" "Yeah name is my Brec"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. My thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder.
????: Class I want you guys to give a warm BullDog welcome to Blakesl" i cut her off
Brec: Uhh Its Brec Actually" i smiled shyly
???: But here it says....... Oh "she said quietly like she knew where i was coming from. "Class say hello to Brec Lophgan"
Class: "Hi Brec"
???: And Brec i am Mrs.Harris. I'll be your Pre-AP Science teacher for first semester.
Brec: "Oh okay" Ms. Harris Led me to a empty seat next to a very tall boy.
Ms. Harris: "if I may start, today we are going over Nuclear Atoms"
???: "Hi I'm Ryan" the tall boy said quietly
Brec: " Hi i'm Brec" i said quietly shaking his hand.
Ryan: "It's nice to meet you Brec"
Brec: "Vice Versa"I whispered back. He gave me a questioning look. "Same to you "
He nodded his head in approval. The bell rang after i finished the quick assignment Ms. Harris gave me just to see where i am. She had a look of confusion when she seen how i write my name. I guess she doesn't like cursive handwriting. The next three classes went by pretty smooth i can say the least. All i did was write my name on some papers that say i vow to come to school, don't fight, and have my supplies daily. Pretty easy i guess. Now it was lunchtime. I walked into the cafeteria and had a rush of excitement when i seen football players and basketball players sitting together, cheerleaders and an dance team sitting together, Nerds & Drama , etc, this was amazing. It was just like high school in movies. I was interrupted by Ryan pulling me into the lunch line.
Ryan: "You day dream a lot don't you" he teased
Brec: "Yeah i guess you can say that." He laughed
Ryan: What would you like to eat?"
Brec: "Umm That Spaghetti Looks Good I guess"
Ryan: "Ooo Good Choice. So In English Do you want to be my partner in the project we have coming up?" He asked as he carried the tray of spaghetti, vanilla ice cream, and baby peach slices to the table full of jocks.
Brec: Um sure i don't know what y'all are doing but sure " i said as I hesitated to sit next to him.
Ryan: "Its okay its safe for you to sit" he joked
Brec: "Are you sure. You don't have any old cheerleader girlfriends, who if they see you with me they'd try to assonate me" I joked back.
Ryan: I've only had one girlfriend, yes she was a cheerleader but she wasn't captain." He shoved a fork full spaghetti into mouth.
Brec: "Thats close enough " he smiled widely
Ryan: "so Miss. Lophgan tell me about yourself."
Brec: "Well i'm about to be 17,My middle name is lourdes, I have one little sister, i have two new Brothers, My favorite color Pink, Im from the Carribeans, I love sport. I play probably every sport, And im a Gemini" I finished with a mouth full of vanilla Ice-cream.
Ryan: "Whoa There. Okay .... First whats your sister's name?"
Brec: "Braylee"
Ryan: "whats Your brothers name?"
Brec: " Ja'mikel is oldest, and joshuas a year older than me. They actually go here"
Ryan: "Joshua is your brother?"
Brec: "Yeah my mom married his dad, now were family "
Ryan: "He is on the basketball team with me. He's co-captain and Im captain."
Brec: "really!?, i htought he was captain?"
Ryan: "He Was LastYear We Switch From Time To ... He was cut off by a little blonde girl coming behind him covering his eyes and purring in his ear.
The Blonde girl: "You missed me?" He took her hands off his face an continued top eat occasionally looking up at me.
The Blonde: "So you don't miss me!"
Ryan: "Not really. If you could not be so rude I'm having lunch with my very attractive friend"
Brec: "Umm Hi" i said eating a fork full of spaghetti
The Blonde: "Yeah I noticed . Hey your hair is pretty..." She turned to Ryan, "Now come with me."
Ryan: "Yeah Thats Not Gonna happen, may you please leave so i can enjoy lunch"
The BLonde: "Find! Stay with this thing," he looked at one of the football players who was chatting about thier recent win, he got up and whispered something to her, she huffed and left.
Ryan: "Ayo Thanks Man"
Football Player: No problem man"
Brec: "Well that was something"
Ryan: "Now back to you Your from the carribeans?"
Brec: confused "Yeah Me and my mom are my dad was Hawaiian"
Ryan: "Thats Cool, What part are you from?"
Brec: " Barbados "
Ryan: "That's Wassup"
Brec: " So now you tell me about yourself"
Ryan: "Well What do you wanna know"
Brec: "Anything." Just then joshua and an pretty curly headed girl sat down in front of us.
Joshua: "Wassup Man"
Ryan: "Nothing Much... Chilling, We got practice today?"
Joshua: "Nah Tomorrow When the girls have tryouts, hey sis what yall was doing"
Brec: "Hey oh nothing he was about to tell me about himself, but that can wait... Hi" i said to the girl
Her: "Hi Im Josslynn"
Brec: "I'm Brec... Joshua's sister"
Her: "Ooo That Must Be Fun."
Brec: "It Sure is interesting " we both laughed
Ryan: "Hey Lynn" she waved back at him. "Brec this is josh's girlfriend "
Brec: "Awww Thanks So sweet"
Joshua: "She's Not my girlfriend "
Josslynn: "Yeah Totally, He is no where near focused on a girlfriend let alone me."
Brec& Ryan: "Their Dating" we all laughed then a bell rang joshua and Josslynn said their goodbyes and went to chemistry, Ryan grabbed me by my arm an dragged me into the hallway.
Brec: What class do we have now?"
Ryan: "Geology"
Brec: "Ugh My Worst Subject at Hampton"
Ryan: "I think this will be a little bit different than Hampton." We walked into 6th period and stopped in my tracks, the teacher looked like she just came straight from a kindergarten class. All the students were holding different shapes on there heads ,I couldn't do anything but laugh. Ryan dragged me to an empty seat next to him, and class began.
Ryan: "Now wasnt that fun"
Brec: "It sure was interesting. How many do we have next?"i said whining a little i was surprised this was my first day and i was so close to him, this cant be good.
Ryan: "We Have gym next and then yhuu have world history And i have technology "
Brec: "why do you have technology?"
Ryan: "Long story short school before basketball. Come on lets go, then i'll show you to your locker."
We spent all gym period talking about each others past. He told me bout his parents, his sisters and his brothers. We talked about the blonde girl, we talked about hockey, and climbing mountains ( i know right). It was all fun till last period Bell Rang, he wasn't in that class, neither was my brother, this was dance class on A-days says my schedule. A class full of girls, wow how fun will that be.

I was so happy when. That bell rang so everyone can go home. All the girls just looked at me when the teacher asked me to show her what i can do. Splits toe touches, back bends & flip overs, pirouette, bow and arrows everything. I guess they don't like girls who can do more than them. When i left out the building i tan into a girl with so much curl hair it was crazy. It was everywhere and she didn't seem to mind. I helped her with the things that fell out of her backpack. And she seemed to appreciate it.
Brec: "Here You go" i said handing her a brush, a world history text book, her charger, and about nine pencils."
Her: "Thanks Im Just A Mess Today"
Brec: "Its okay im glad to help anyway i can." I had puffy super curly hair to i know how it felt when your hair does what it wants.
Her: "Thank you, um Im rude... Im Joey"
Brec: "Im Brec, its nice to meet you"
Then Ja'mikel honked the horn to let me know they were ready to go.
Joey: "Same for me, um thanks by the way... Bye" and she walked away, what a sweet girl.
As we walked into the house Ja'mikel dropped his backpack at the front door and Joshua did the same. All i wanted to do was go to the gym in the basement to get a work in before tomorrow, like I haven't been practicing everyday from last day at Hampton to today, but its nice to be prepared.
I went to my room, changed into a sports bra and some tights and went downstairs to get water and headed to the basement. I stayed in there till 11:24 p.m , i was tired i went took a shower and went to sleep immediately. But my thoughts didn't end there, i had a dream that ryan and i fell in love. Whoa there its a little to early mind. I dozed off again and stayed sleep. At 6 o'clock on the dot i was awaken out if very peaceful and comfortable sleep by the sound of a chirping bird, CONSTANTLY, I rose to find a alarm clock shaped as two pom-poms. It was cute, but annoying. I stopped it and got up and walked to the door to only find mom singing a Jamaican song. It was way to early for all this singing. Still looking out my cracked door a see a very energetic Braylee.
Brec: "Bray... Bray !! Why are you so energetic an happy" i said ending with a yawn.
Braylee: "Because today is a happy day"
Brec: "Why Is That Mi hermana" I said leaning against my door frame, we have been trying to teach her more Spanish.
Braylee: "Mommy Got a job, I'm starting fourth grade, your trying out for cheer on Thursday, josh has basketball that day too, and Ja'mikel has a girlfriend everyone should be happy.
Brec: "Whatever im getting dressed"
Braylee: "Kay !!! An we're having waffles for breakfast !!!! "
Brec: "Okay !! " I rolled my eyes. I went into the bathroom then back to my room, and i was dressed in a black an white beatles shirt woth white skinny jeaans with white toms. I felt cute, my thoughts were interrupted by a chirp sound by my phone meaning i had a text message..... It Was From Danny
DiscoDanny🔐⚽️: Heey Love, Haven't Heard from U and we were worried about U Lo. I Made The National Soccer League of S.D (South Dakota)
Me💍💦: I'm Sorry Been Practicing For Cheer Tryouts Tomorrow ✨ No Need My Brothers Got Me, Omg !! Thats Wonderful Dan !! Im Much Proud Of Yaa!!! I Knew Yhuu Could Do It!! Gotta Hit The Road For School C U L
As I walked down stairs i heard Momma's music playing, i walked in and everyone was dancing so i joined in while scooping a waffle from brays plate. It was 6:43 An We needed to leave like now.
Brec: "Hey !!! Guys !!! Its 7:00 !!!" They stopped and snatched waffles and their backpacks and ran to the car, till josh looked at his phone and looked at me while i got in the car and smirked. At least we got to school in 5 minutes maybe even least.

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