Late Night Thinking

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Brec's POV
As I Sat In My Satin Covers An Queen Sized Bed, I started to wonder, will i make any friends at this school, i mean i had a lot of friends at hampton... But what if the people here arent the same as the ones back home... Im Acually Kinda Nervous.... What if they wont let me tryout for any sports... What if the head. Cheerleader hates me and tries to ruin my high school life... As she laid and thought about tomorrow's day a Slight knock awakened her from her deep thoughts.
Joshua: "Brec ? You wake"
Brec: "Yeah"
He sat at the end of my bed with a bowl of oreos.
Joshua: Um sorry to bother you so late at night but i heard you talking to yourself and thought you could use a snack. (He smiled shyly at me.)
Brec: (i was talking aloud???) "Oh You heard that... "He nodded his head. "Oh.. Thanks I Could use a sugar rush."
Joshua: "Why Are you so worried about tomorrow ? Its just a regular school"
Brec: "Because Ill Be the new girl and i wont know anyone an what if no one likes me what if i make a fool of myself the first day".. I got cut off
Joshua: "Whoa your totally overthinking this whole thing. Yes you will be the new girl you know me and ill go there, you seem pretty chill so I'm sure you'll make a couple of good friends, and how bout you don't make a fool of yourself."
Brec: " i gues.. Atleast ill have you there to guide me" i smiled softly.
Joshua: "Yeah ill help you with any questions you have."
Brec: "Thanks I Really do appreciate it"
Joshua Got up And Laid Next To me Looking up
Joshua: Im Really Glad You Guys Are Here
Brec: Im Sorta Glad Im Here To I Guess
Joshua: You Say I Guess A Lot
Brec: I Know Right if It Wouldn't Be To much to ask can you sleep in here tonight. This room is wayyy bigger than I'm used to. He nodded his head an closed his eyes. I stuffed the last oreo in my mouth and did the same. It was 2:45 am, i guess that's enough time to get to sleep. joshes snoring made me doze off even faster. I threw the cover over him and went to sleep.

6:00 Am
Momma woke up at 5:30 I heard her singing threw Joshua's Snoring. I smelled her cooking from Ll the way in my room. Finally at exactly 6:00 she came upstairs to wake everyone up. She had woken Ja'mikel up, i knew cause i heard the water running coming from the bathroom.
Mom: "Lourdes wake up sweetie... Aww how cute" she started shaking me slightly. "Lourdes"
Brec: Turning over "5 More minutes Mama"
Mom: No Lourdes Its already 6:15 you have to get up."
Joshua: looking up and rising out of my bed. " good morning ms. Sanaa"
Mom: "Good Morning Joshua
When she walked out I finally got enough strength to get out of bed. It was 6:20 and i felt like i got a full 9 hours of sleep. Wow that bed is amazingly comfortable.i went to the nearest bathroom by my room and took a shower and curled my hair and did a lil something to my face. I went down the stairs heading to the kitchen everyone was dressed and eating breakfast. Mom cooked eggs bacon and pancakes. I sat to the large table after I served myself.
Jeremiah: Brec If you don't mind Ja'mikel & Joshua will be driving you to school today. By the way you look beautiful today.
Brec: Thats fine with me and thank you I did not know what to wear for the first day.
Ja'mikel: technically its not our first day " he snickered " its just yours." A sly smiled creeped across his face
Brec: "i know but guess what i found while i was unpacking..a photo album in one of the drawers in my room... I didn't know you didn't have front teeth till like 7th grade" i smiled widely.
Ja'mikel: clearing his throat. "Umm i don't know what you're talking about"
Brec: "oh sure you don't."
Mom: "now now eat up you niños Need to leave in exactly 5 minutes."
After breakfast i got a empty backpack out my gigantic closet and walked outside, were i was met by Ja'mikel driving an a backseat Joshua.
Brec: this Is Your Car!?" I asked surprised
Ja'mikel: "No Its Joshua's But Mines Over There" He Pointed To A 2014 Camery.
Brec: Wow" i said getting into the front seat and buckling my seatbelt.

In about 5 minutes we were in front of the school. I was nervous all over again which is weird because i rarely get nervous. As Joshua's got out and Ja'mikel parked the car an got out we walked toward the building
Joshua: "Still nervous B?"
Brec: "Lil Bit"
Joshua: "you'll Get Over It"
Brec: "If you say so."
We Walked in an i stood in shock. So many people, big, little, short, tall, skinny, small. I hoped Josh was right about this I really hope he is right, I'm gonna kill him if he isn't.
Ja'mikel: "Hey Josh take her to the office and sign her in while i go see bout some business"
Joshua: Alright Man See You At Lunch."
Brec: You don't see him in any other classes?"
Joshua: Nah i usually see him at lunch... He's a grade higher than me he takes different courses than me."
Brec: "Oh... Well how old is he?"
Joshua:"18 Next Semester He graduates"
Brec: "Oh How Old Are You?"
Joshua: "You sure do ask a lot of questions... But i'm 17"
Brec: "Oh ill be 17 next semester.. Good to know "
We Walked up to a lady behind a desk full of papers
Joshua: "Hi Ms. Renée this is my sister Blakesleigh, Lophgan "
Brec: ooo Full name" I whispered. Joshua laughed
Ms. Renee : oh yes Blakesleigh-Lourdes. I have your schedule right here." She handed to me.
Brec: Thank You"
Ms. Renee: if you have any trouble just ask Ol basketball cap'n o over here
Brec: Okay i will" as we Walked away.. " You play basketball?"
Joshua: yeah just something to pass the time."
Brec: pass The time ! She said you were captain !"
Joshua: Why Are You so hype?"
Brec: "because i love sports ! I love all of them .. "
Joshua: "is that so"
Brec: " Yes, you are looking at Hampton high's cheer, volleyball,girls basketball, softball, track, and soccer captain"
Joshua: " are you serious?" I nodded "you play All those sports !" I Nodded. He looked shocked for a moment then spoke. "You know volleyball is having tryouts next month and cheer squad on Thursday so if you want I'd help you get ready"
Brec: Thanks Thats Nice Of You" then the bell rang and were standing in front of a door that read Pre AP Science. " Please tell me you have this class"
Joshua: "nope sorry... Im next door at regular science" he laughed and pushed me into the classroom, And walked away, here is where my day began.

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