001 - Evocative

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Quick author's notes, every chapter the character's pov changes. For example today's chapter will be about Levi's perspective and his only and the next is someone else's and theirs only. However, I can be lazy, so there might be third person's pov depending on how I see the story. That's all, jump in and see if you like the story, and if you do, enjoy lmao.

Levi’s pov !


Another expedition. Another day to see bloodshed. Another day of titan killing. Another day of losing some of their comrades.

Just another day in the survey corps-

Levi Ackerman for one is just a scout following Erwin. But the way his skills are used to kill titans are just so extraordinary, to the point he's rising to the ranks faster than expected.

Keith Shadis eventually resigned from his position as the Commander of the Survey Corps and handed the baton to Erwin Smith. Fortunately the male did not create any fuss or refuse and willingly accepted the promotion.

Erwin already had decided to promote Levi, but he had to wait on a few more expeditions for that to happen. A few more expeditions and Levi would be promoted to Captain with his own squad. Not that the Ackerman wouldn't be glad to take the promotion, but the man had been dull ever since. Just stoic and grumpy to everyone else, yet serious and focused on missions and had been killing a lot more titans than before.

Whatever just happened to his fate as a member of the survey corps and slowly becoming humanity's strongest weapon, it seemed it took a turn for this next expedition.

Seconds became minutes, and minutes became hours, it had been more than three hours since their expedition started, and they were to return in less than an hour and a half.

Erwin called for the scouts to regroup, right at the front of the gates and Levi was the farthest from them, who was surveying the area he and his squad last came from for the last time.

But before even turning away, his sight caught a glimpse of a child with a spotted hat rubbing its eyes from the sunlight while walking out of the forest, almost cautious to be out in the open.

Just when it could get worse, a titan wandering nearby appeared and managed to catch a whiff of human scents, its target seemingly after the boy that had its front facing the man mounting his horse. Levi's face paled.

The child doesn't seem to understand the horrified look on Levi, and almost immediately the short man had sprung into action and killed the titan in front of the boy before it could get closer to the innocent child, who seemed to be unfazed of the scenario and even been slightly bathed in titan blood it doesn't even seem to freak out of it.

But the moment Levi had glanced down on the child, he noticed it having felt its hat damp with blood, and that's when it freaked.

As the scout member observed the boy, the child seemed to be so different and unique. Its skin was slightly dark and its raven hair had been unkempt, unruly.

Levi narrowed his eyes, squinting to get a closer look at the child's hands. The boy seemed to have scribbles on its knuckles of his fists which Levi cannot make out of the letters.

As the boy stared up at the man, he saw how dull and tired they looked. Just like Levi's, as if the child had gone through a horrifying experience (trauma) and had barely gotten a wink of sleep for years.

The only thing the boy had brought with it was its spotted hat and unusual clothing. Levi cringed at the red moist covering the jacket.

It was dirtied with blood, but the color of the child's clothing is originally coloured brown, and it, well, fit him. The moment the boy turned around was when there were so many different things printed on the back of its coat.

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