005 - Victorious

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Third pov lol. Note !; vv short chapter.

Six cadets were held at gunpoint, namely the inseparable trio and the top three trio.

With Armin's determination and the arrival of Commander Dot Pyxis speaking up for them, they survived surprisingly.

Eren finally considered those three his friends if his thoughts were to protect them, armin and mikasa firsthand as he subconsciously bit on his arm to create a titan to block the cannonball.

And now there they are standing at the walls. While Commander Pyxis conversed with the other trio, our main trio were conversing with one another.

"Man, I wonder what Levi's reaction would be when he saw us being held at gunpoint." Sabo suddenly piqued up, catching both Koby and Law's attention.

Law crossed his arms, adjusting his hat over his head with a confident smirk. "Definitely will give him a heart attack. His brats are basically on the verge of death."

Sabo hissed to himself, deep in thoughts before speaking up. "Oh, I don't think so. Levi isn't one to get attached to us, I doubt he's going to worry about us and swat the news away like some kind of fly."

Law and Koby stared at Sabo with incredulity that speaks 'are you being serious right now?' and it doesn't take for Sabo to notice and shrug followed by a smirk. "But hey, I trust your suggestion Law."

Said male smirked back and gripped the sword over his shoulder, making Koby sweat drop at the interaction. These two always had the love-hate relationship kind of behaviour towards Levi.

Kind of like family.

"You three."

Pyxis calls out with an authoritative tone and the said three of them hurried to salute in front of the commander with the same yet confident stances.

"I've heard about you three. Cadet Sabo, Cadet Koby and Cadet Law. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I assign you to accompany the elite squads on their part?" The man smiles eerily, as if declining was not an option.

"I don't mind." Both Sabo and Koby chirped up like enthusiastic birds, while Law remained silent and rolled his eyes.

Finally, the oldest amongst the three spoke with a polite tone. "I'm not coming along with them."

"Ah yes." Pyxis suddenly adds as he walks over to Law with a smile. "We need you on the side in case things goes awry."

On second thought, maybe Law should've gone along with the two.


Jean wasn't a stranger to terrors and abnormal things like titans running around eating humans.

But what he'd witnessed was far more than abnormal. It was almost impossible that he was trying to convince himself it was a mere hallucination.

Did Sabo just fucking turn into fire when a barbaric titan eren swung his arms around as he loses control of his senses in his titan form!?

Titan Eren's hand would've swatted Sabo across the skies against his palm. But nooo, nooooo! His hand went through Sabo, and said cadet left hot fires of flames against Eren's hand!

But all that aside, he's just going to focus on his part. —

He ended up in a house .. His ODM gear wasn't working.

Ah. Right. He had enough of people dying because of him.

In his arms, he carried an unconscious Koby. Sabo was frantic over and over when Koby had blacked out because of the gush of wind over them that a rock flew and hit the pinkette to unconsciousness.

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