004 - Deviant

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Sabo's pov now ! Enjoy reading.
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Sabo smirked at the sight of Bertholdt's cautious expression and the obvious way the boy looks away in terror whenever the two had met gazes.

Between the walking cadets, Sabo pressed a finger against his lip followed by a prideful smile. It was clear that Sabo knew the truth of a titan shifter(s) hiding amongst the crowd like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

His eyes narrowed over to Reiner who was confused. The blonde stared at him with a calculating expression and there Reiner had caught on, his eyes widened in realization and Sabo smiled, before looking away innocently.

'Two little traitors..' Sabo inwardly noted to himself before the important soldiers walks up the platform.


Flashback to where the battle, the war against titans had begun; Sabo charged ahead for the colossal titan before Eren could. Plunging his haki coated dragon claw, the colossal titan had let out the most ear-piercing roar of pain, in time for Eren to arrive with intent to kill the colossal titan.

Eren had found out about the colossal titan having intelligence, while Sabo had found out said colossal titan is motherfucking Bertholdt.

Luffy's ability to recognize people in an instant had rubbed off on him.

.. And Ace's obnoxious behaviour when he was ten had also rubbed off on him.

Now with Connie and some unnamed cadet regrouped with the two of them, they were told to run back to the headquarters.

How nostalgic, said headquarters whereas he and the two of the other amnesiac kids would train everyday with their guardian.

He wasn't going to let it be destroyed by titans.

He, Koby and Law will protect their district no matter what.


Mikasa and Law were assigned in the rearguard. Sabo, Koby, Eren, Armin, Thomas and their other cadet mates are up and assigned in the vanguard to take out titans coming closer to the middle, basically bolster the vanguard, they say.

An abnormal startles the group, forcing everyone to split. Sabo had maneuvered his gear, shooting his grapple hook upwards and flew up the tower where the titan had crashed onto.

He retreated his hooks and fell back down, not allowing the titan to recover and quickly sliced its nape to its death.

Unfortunately, Thomas's half had already been crushed by the titan's teeth before Sabo had killed it completely.

"T—Thomas!!" Sabo could hear Koby holler in horror, as well as the rest of the cadets watching were mortified to see one of their own had fallen so quickly.

Snapping back to reality, his eyes landed on the sight of Thomas's dead corpse, split in half as he had those terrified look in his eyes.

"FUCK!" Sabo yelled angrily. He barely noticed his squad glancing at him as he had his gear clinging to the tower, his figure dangling as he had his hands over his head as if he was relieving trauma.

Unfortunately, he failed to see the titan approaching him from a few feet away.

Koby spurred into action, he doesn't have time to relieve his as well, Sabo was on the verge of breakdown again like last time.

Sabo could hear the sound of maneuver gear being used frequently around him, as Koby, who was known as a kindhearted cadet, had mercilessly killed a titan.

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