006 - Clutch

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Third person pov !


Koby hugged Jean in a way to comfort him days after cleaning up the entirety of wall rose. He had found out about Marco's disappearance and the way he was prescribed as dead once missing.

But to Koby, he knew what was going on and what truly happened with Marco.

However, he was called over to attend the deliberation about which regiment should have ahold of Eren, as a witness alongside Mikasa, Armin, Law and Sabo, leaving Jean to himself to lament and head to the kitchen to distract himself.

Once Eren had entered the court room, he was met with fearful gazes, all except Levi, Erwin, a few other scouts..

Once he was chained down, he met the familiar gazes of those who weren't afraid of him.

Armin looked at him with determination, and Mikasa was looking at him with a worried gaze.

Looking at the three, he could see; Law had crossed his arms, a blade over his shoulder as he looks at Eren blankly but not fear. Sabo was waving at him with a cheeky smile, and Koby was smiling warmly at him.

These guys.. They were the only friends he had that weren't afraid of his titan abilities.

He could see Levi silently dissing off Sabo's reckless behaviour, and everyone around the court turned to look at Sabo with annoyance.

After all, he was a well known troublemaker all the way to wall Sina.

However, his status as Levi's foster child remained confidential.

He was only known as an orphan, his file says. Eren mentally winced at that thought. He used to dislike the blonde, because of his behaviour and all.

But he was an orphan from the start. He had no guardian unlike him, Armin and Mikasa..

The premier enters the court, snapping Eren from his thoughts as he sees the man sitting at the top middle at the side as he rolls his sleeves.

"Well then, shall we begin?"


"I wish to make certain of something, Mr. Jaeger." Zachary spoke up, silencing the arguing minister and the villager from the other side. "As a soldier, can you continue to serve humanity by controlling your titan ability?"

"Yes sir of course, I can!" Eren quickly responds nervously, a sweat dripping down his forehead as Zachary continues.

"Really? But it says here in this report on the trost battle that, just after transforming, you swing your fists at both Mikasa Ackermann and Sabo."

Eren whipped his head over to glance at both Mikasa and Sabo. The girl was fidgeting her locks of hair, glaring at Rico Brzenska, the one that had given the report.

While Sabo looked unbothered and rather sighed in irritation. "Eren didn't mean it." He mumbled to himself, before smiling reassuringly at Eren.

"And who is Mikasa Ackermann?" Zachary questions, Mikasa answers politely regardless of her anger. "And who among you is Sabo?"

Sabo raised his hand with a grinning look. Zachary recognizes the boy in a split second, before his gaze returns to stone cold.

"Sabo eh? Well then. Is it true that Jaeger, in titan form, attacked the two of you?"

Mikasa hesitated to answer, while Sabo crossed his arms, pretending to think as he deliberately gives Zachary a hard time to read his expressions like he used to when he was younger.

"I mean not like he didn't mean it when he wasn't in control of that time, but it's true." Sabo finally answers followed by a shrug before Mikasa does, and everyone turns to look around them, then Sabo, then to Eren.

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