001.5 - Adherence

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This will be a short chapter btw, ^^"

Also, still Levi's pov !


Luckily enough, as someone who was tasked to watch over three children, Levi, along with Law, Sabo and Koby were all allowed to live inside a house fit for a family.

Well, the house was built next to the headquarters, so Levi wouldn't have any trouble travelling back and forth.

A year has passed, though back then, Sabo had been suspicious of the survey corps ever since he, Koby and Law were taken in by Levi.

The man in question caught on to the blonde's curiosity accompanied with wariness and suspicions.

As an eleven year old, Levi was impressed he was smart enough to figure things out so quickly.

Koby, the youngest, is as innocent as ever.

Sometimes Levi just wanted to keep that endearing soul to remain pure, away from the corruption of seeing the human-eating titans around the world.

Then there's Law, the oldest amongst them.

Levi wasn't so sure if the boy had already figured things out as well and had been feigning pretence that he doesn't, or he doesn't really know. Regardless, that wasn't any of Levi's concerns at the moment.

He observed as Sabo openly and impatiently wanted to know what was going on and why the scouts entering the walls are becoming fewer and heavily injured when coming back in the walls after their so-called 'expeditions'.

Until Levi decided to finally tell the three. After all, the man wasn't planning on sugarcoating the truth.

As much as Sabo appreciated the honesty, it scared Koby the fuck out — which made Levi feel a little bad for exposing harsh truth to a child, to children.

Then again, life is unfair.

Levi was to say the least, perplexed with the rest of the children's reactions.

Koby's was a typical reaction, but Sabo seemed eager, as if killing titans had been his dream, or the fact he perked up with sparkling eyes at the mention of the outside world.

Law? He was unfazed, yet again reminding of himself when he was young.

Come to think of it, a year back when he first found Law, the boy was abnormally chill seeing a titan up close running up to him to eat him.

Levi began to wonder who truly are these children he picked up from the forests outside.

Well other than the fact these children have been amnesiac to remember how they left the walls; they've never seen a titan before.

Back to the present, they've been conversing with random topics. Levi had been given a day off to spend time with the children.

Levi would've been lying if he'd say this isn't what he should've been wasting his free time on.

Because truthfully? These kids had been lightening up his days missions after missions. It may be stressful handling three children, but it had at least filled the hole in his heart — people to care for.

Levi knew he shouldn't grow attached to people, let alone children. To him, it would all be the same. They would just die in front of him, and re-experience the heartbreak and agony he had felt with losing Isabel and Farlan.

These three children have been running around the village as they please like they weren't the Humanity's Strongest Soldier's guardian. Even the villagers began to form a dislike for them, but they've cared less.

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