The Key To My Heart (Song)

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Well as you may have guessed, this song would replace the dialogue where Danny, Ginger, Francis and Rita discuss what they believe makes the ideal romantic partner. It would begin roughly after Ginger tells Danny that girls want someone who can make them laugh, and just when he says, " if you're interested..." It's sweet and on the slower side. They would take their turns singing their verses while tidying up, and it would end with Winnie calling the girls upstairs.

DANNY: Oh, a pretty girl can

Catch a man's eye,

Make him weak in the knees

Can go to his head

But the way to the heart

Is through a man's stomach

And that, my dear, means

By keeping him fed

GINGER: Oh, a man thinks a girl wants

Nothing but diamonds

A palace, a carriage

And living in style

But the key to her heart

Is to fill it with laughter

And that starts, dear sir,

By making her smile

DANNY: Could be, could be

If it matters to you, it should matter to me

I'm not saying that we –

(Spoken with head shaking)


(Singing) Only love's hard to find if you don't have the key

FRANCIS: Oh, a man needs a partner

A faithful companion

Someone he can count on

Who's on the right track

If she's honest and loyal

He'll always be loving

The key to his heart is

By having his back

RITA: The way to my heart is

Through caring and kindness

And not just sweet nothings

I'm sure to dismiss

Oh, a compliment's nice

But if you take my advice

Then the key to my heart

Can be a simple kiss

FRANCIS Could be. Could be

That it matters to you and it matters to me

I'm not saying that we –

(Spoken with head shaking)


(Singing) We only agree on love's sincerity

DANNY: Any song can be sung

GINGER: And dancing's sure fun

RITA: Any knight can recite some dumb poem he's learned

DANNY Life's full of flings

GINGER: But be beggar or king

RITA: Love is a thing which has got to be earned


FRANCIS: My turn

(Singing) Love is a thing which has got to be earned.

It's all pretty swoon-y by the end of it, with a lots of sparks flying and bashful looks between the couples.

*P.S. I've tried spacing this differently to make it easier to read but the format won't let me.

**March 15, 2023
Next up, we find out exactly what those princesses are up to. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

Steff xo

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