Which One Of Us Belongs To You? (Song)

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I do believe I said somewhere there were only six songs, but I lied. This is the last. As described in the previous chapter, it's a playful song the princesses sing about their physical and character traits to help their parents figure out which girl is most likely the daughter they were separated from. It kicks off with Ivan, in disguise, singing the intro sort of high brow and cheesy like an emcee at an early Miss America pagent, then as the girls take over it's another upbeat jazzy number.

IVAN: Here they are, delightful and demure

Totally unsure as to whom they belong

Beautifully bemused, utterly confused

And unfortunately used to guessing it wrong

Hoping you might see some similarity

Something striking like that lightning of familiarity

Oh be sure to get yours before they're gone.

Introducing your 12 princesses through song


Oh we tried to surmise

How you might put us wise

And we certainly hope that you do

It's high time we solve this mystery

Which one of us belongs to you?

You might factor in size

Or the colour of eyes

We've got brown ones, and green ones, and blue

Let's catch you up on our history

So you can get a better clue

LENA: I sing mezzo-soprano

JUDY: I play piano

GINGER AND RITA: And we can dance backwards in heels

AVA: I can do a hog call

LUCY: I can do a pratfall

ROSALIND: And I like to snack between meals

LANA: I can separate yolks

MARILYN: And I know all the blonde jokes

DOROTHY: But I bruise if I sleep on a pea


Won't you folks put us out of our misery

And tell us something that is true

Which one of us belongs to you?


BETTY: I really hate to gossip but I'll tell you who here does

ROSALIND (quickly;guiltily): Dorothy's brilliant!

DOROTHY: Judy's sweet

JUDY: Lana's patient

LANA: Thank you coz.

Ginger's good with zingers

GINGER: Rita gives the best advice

RITA: Ava never worries

AVA: Not with Katherine here

KATHERINE: How nice!

Lena keeps a secret

LENA: Marilyn mostly gets the gist

LUCY: I always hear a clicking when my elbow goes like this


MARILYN: I like to write in my diary at night

JUDY: I like to knit one and purl two

RITA: I never want to take down the Christmas tree.

Is anybody like that too?

DOROTHY: I'm a wiz at a quiz

GINGER: I make a mean gin fizz

AVA: Just try to read my poker face

KATHERINE: Just try to steal a base

BETTY: Or outrace me on skates

Can anybody here relate?

JUDY: I tend to mumble

LUCY: I'm great at being humble

KATHERINE: I could wrestle you down to the floor

MARILYN: We got 'em

BETTY: We flaunt 'em

ROSALIND: If posture's your problem

I've got a hunch that I'm yours

LANA: My black thumb killed a cactus

LENA: I love target practice.

My arrow flies straight when I shoot

GINGER AND RITA: It's been fun being one of a coterie,

But now that it's done being cute,

Cousin Fred's gonna give us the boot


We may be over zealous

But we're desperate so tell us

Tell us which of us belongs to you

*July 29th 2023

Hey everyone. So I went back and forth on deciding whether or not to include this in the body of the previous chapter (since it's specifically mentioned), but I ultimately decided not to because I worried it might look complicated and take the reader too far out of the moment. Do you think it's better off in its own chapter, or should I have tried to incorporate it into the last one?

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