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Robert's men and the mesmerized princesses formed a tight circle around Francis as Robert drew his sword. He brought the flat tip of it under Francis' chin. "My, my, who do we have here?"

"Clarence Carpenter. Pleased to meet ya," Francis said, holding out for a handshake. "I was just passing through the area and I heard music. Thought there might be a Hemmerheggen contest going on or something."

Ivan slithered into the ring and beckoned Rita to step forward.

"Rita, my sweet, do you know this man?"

"He's got a band of the king's colours on his sleeve," one of the men pointed out.

"Whose colours?" Robert sneered.

"He is a soldier in the false king's army," Rita said.

"He is a spy, Master Ivan," added Ginger.

Francis snorted. "A spy? Me? Would I be doing such a terrible job if I was? I mean, you turn one girl down for a dance and she starts crying wolf, am I right?"

"Silence!" Ivan commanded. "Spy by accident or on purpose, I'm afraid you know too much."

"Ladies," Robert said gallantly, "here is a chance to practice your new skills. Show this man what we do with uninvited guests."

The princesses instantly assumed fighting stances, but Ivan shouted "NO!"

Robert glowered at him, infuriated.

"Too messy, Your Majesty," Ivan explained. "Let them bind him and we'll take him to the cliffs."

He waved his hands and a pair of linked iron cuffs appeared in Robert's hands.

"Quite right," Robert said. "Seize him!"

Katherine and Lena grabbed Francis by his arms and shoulders. Robert handed Rita the cuffs, allowing her to do the honours. "Be my guest, my dear."

As Rita clamped the irons on Francis' wrists in front of him, he tried to break through the spell. "Rita," he pleaded. "It's me.

"Death to traitors," Rita said coldly.

"Rita, you don't want to do this."

Katherine jerked his shoulder, nearly wrenching it out its socket. "You'd be wise to shut your mouth, really you would."

Robert then motioned for Katherine and Lena to release Francis to his soldiers' custody. "Take him to the cliffs," Robert ordered.

"Now, my dears," Ivan addressed the girls, "off home and to bed with you. When you awake after your slumber you shall remember none of this until I signal you at the feast."

The princesses formed pairs to exit in a silent, almost sleep-walking fashion. Francis once again yelled Rita's name as he was strong-armed out the back of the barn. The sight of it from his hiding spot sent shivers down Danny's spine.

When it seemed the coast was clear, Danny climbed down to the barn floor and began pacing wildly in preparation for his soliloquy.

"What'll I do? What'll I do? I'll hitchhike to my Aunt and Uncle's place, that's what I'll do. They've always got the spare room made up. So it's addition too close to the outhouse. Grandma didn't mind. Oh, but Francis! They're gonna kill him. He's too good a guy to go out over a cliff. I'm too good a guy to go out over a cliff! It's not just water down there, it's rocks too. Of all the scrapes he's probably gotten into, this'll be the most literal. But what would I know? I hardly know the guy. Except now I do, and we're friends. Only a coward would leave his friend to save himself. Only a chicken would disappear on his partner."

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