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Kyujin's POV:
" Soyeon " the girl said at the front.

My eye's widened then turned to my unnies and their reaction is also in pure shocked. I looked back at the Soyeon girl and she showed her big bright smile.

Everyone including the professor awww at Soyeon's smile but me and my unnies kept a straight face. Tbh I rather see my Sullyoonnie smile than this criminal.

Wait!! Did I just call her Sullyoonnie??!! Oh Fuck..

" Thank you Soyeon, you can take a seat now " she said then Soyeon walked to the back of the class. " Ok and where's the other new three girls?? " I looked my unnies then tapped Haewon unnie's shouldee since she sit next to me.

I signal her to tap Jiwoo unnie. She did and I tell them that we have to do an introduction. We all walked to the front, we all still keep our straight face.

" Hello, I'm Haewon " Haewon unnie said. " Sup, I'm Jiwoo " Jiwoo unnie said. " Hello everyone, I'm Kyujin " I said.

Some are whispering and some are looking at us like we were a snack, tbh they looked like they wanna fuck us.

" Ok thank you girls, now you all may be seated " the professoe said. " actually we need to use the toilet " I said while grab to Haewon unnie's and Jiwoo unnie's hand.

" well umm ok, don't take too long " she said. " oh we won't " I said then dragged them to the nearest toilet I can find.

I pulled them inside then locked the door. " You two heard the name, right??" I said. " Yup, we gonna have to kill her " Jiwoo unnie said.

" woah woah woah no that fast, if we kill her quickly, the whole University will get suspicious by the news " Haewon unnie said.

" arghhh I hate it when you're right, unnie " I said while thinking. " Ah I got it " I said then the both of them turned to me.

" What if we kill her then make seems like she committed suicide, that way no one will get suspicious " I said. They both looked at each other then nodded.

" see this is why Kyujin-ah is the planner " Jiwoo unnie said then patted my back. I gave them a smirk then mouthed ' that's enough, unnie ' then she stopped.

"Ok, after our lessons, I'll call Auntie Momo to asked how many time we'll have on the mission " Haewon unnie said. The both of us nodded.

" Good now let's go, there maybe some people needs the toilet " Haewon unnie said then we all walked out.

After all their lessons>>>
We all went to our dorm and I saw Lily, Bae and Sullyoon opening a door. Bae saw us and shouted.

" Heyy Unnies!!! " I'm serious that girl is too much for a cheerful seriously she's just almost like Jiwoo unnie.

" Heyy Bae-ah!!! " Jiwoo unnie said then Bae jumped on Jiwoo unnie. Damn I feel single just by looking at them.

" well, looks like our dorms are next to each other " Haewon unnie said. " heh yea, we sure are " Lily said.

" Hi, Kyujin unnie " I saw Sullyoon waved her hand at me and smile. I waved back with a small smile. I turned to my unnies and they seem like they saw a ghost.

" What?? " I asked.

" y-you never smile for someone before " Haewon unnie said. " did you just smile?? " Jiwoo unnie asked.

OBSESSION / KyuYoon FF ( Kyujin × Sullyoon )✔ Where stories live. Discover now