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Sullyoon POV:

" Unnie " I tried to get up but Karina unnie pinned me back down. Kyujin unnie ran to her and grab her away from me.

Karina unnie punched her in the eye which made Kyujin unnie hissed. Kyujin unnie quickly punched Karina's stomach then kicked Karina in the stomach again😱.

I felt terrified and went to Kyujin unnie. I quickly back hugged her and try to pull her away since she's punching Karina unnie.

" UNNIE, STOP I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET DROPPED OUT OF UNIVERSITY!!! " I yelled then Kyujin stopped what she was doing. She turned around and hugged me for comfort.

I peeked at Karina unnie and she was moving a bit since she was beaten. Kyujin unnie pull the hug away then dragged me downstairs, leaving Karina unnie there.

3rd Person POV:
Kyujin and Sullyoon went to an empty restroom. Kyujin locked the door and turned to Sullyoon then grabbed her cheeks.

" Hey you're ok?? " the older asked then Sullyoon immediately nodded. " Ok good good " she let go of her cheeks and stare at the floor awkwardly.

" how did you find me?? " Sullyoon asked. Kyujin let out an awkward laugh. " I may have followed you and that Karina girl just now bcuz she was sus " she said.

The younger move closer to the older then Kyujin immediately closed her eyes as she expected her to slap her or yelled at her for spying.

Then, she felt something cuddle around her body. She opened her eyes and saw Sullyoon hugging her. " Thank you " Sullyoon said.

The older felt like she's in heaven and of course, she hugged back. " Your welcome, Sullyoon-ah " she said. Then they both pulled away.

" OMG did she stole your first kiss?? " Kyujin asked. Sullyoon giggled at the older's reaction. " Luckily, she didn't " Sullyoon said then Kyujin sighed in relief.

" Phew oh thank god "

Sullyoon looked at her in confusion. " why are you worrying about my first kiss, unnie?? " Sullyoon asked then Kyujin looked at her.

" Well i-uh I well i-umm " Kyujin was struggling to find an excuse to prevent the younger to freak out.

" You like me, don't you?? " Sullyoon asked then Kyujin just looked at her.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Then, the older cupped the younger's face and kissed her

Her arms wrapped around Sullyoon's waist and Sullyoon's arm wrapped around her neck. They both pulled away from the kiss which which lasted a few seconds.

Kyujin smile at Sullyoon and caress her cheeks. " You're so beautiful ,you know that?? " she asked then Sullyoon looked away shyly.


Kyujin rolled her eyes then unlocked the door which revealed a worried Haewon, Jiwoo, Bae and Lily.

" are you ok, Kyujin?? " Lily asked. " Yea I'm fine, why?? " she said the Lily pointed at her right eye. Kyujin looked at the mirror and saw herself with a black eye.

Kyujin sighed then nodded. " Tbh I forgot that you have punched by Karina unnie " Sullyoon said then the others looked at Kyujin with their eyes widened.

" OMG WHERE IS SHE??!! " Jiwoo said. " I SWEAR I'M GONNA BEAT THAT BITCH UP LIKE IT'S THE LAST THING I'LL DO!! " Haewon said then Kyujin grab her arm.

" It's ok, the bitch is probably struggling to get up since I kicked her guts too hard " Kyujin said proudly. They all except for Sullyoon looked at her with their eyes widened.

" Unnie, you know how much trouble you'll be in?? " Bae said then Kyujin shook her head. " She could report you and make you dropped out if Uni " Bae said.

" oh relax I'm pretty sure she won't tell " Kyujin said then the Trios looked at each other then shrugged.

" Anyhow, why were you both hiding in the restroom??!! " Haewon asked. " Yea, we were worried sick " Lily said.

" Bcuz I couldn't take the risk of that bitch following us " Kyujin said. The others nodded then noticed Sullyoon blushing.

" Why is our Sullyoonie blushing?? " Bae asked. Kyujin looked over at Sullyoon then looked back at Bae.

" Oh I just told her that she's beautiful " Kyujin said innocently. The others looked at the two with their eyebrows raised. " Ooooookay then " Bae said.

" Come on, we should head back to the dorm since we already skipped our lessons " Haewon said the everyone nodded. Then they all walked to their dorm as the hallway was empty.

Kyujin felt bad that took Sullyoon's first kiss but was happy that Sullyoon kissed back. The younger felt the same thing.

Karina walked towards the door of her dorm which used to be Soyeon's. She unlocked her dorm then went in without closing the door.

Kyujin quickly sneaked into her dorm and hide in the kitchen as Karina was putting her stuffs.

Karina noticed the door then closed it. She walked into her room and flopped onto her own bed.

She opened her book and starts reading it. Kyujin tiptoe in without making noise. She took out a napkin which has chlorine in it.

She ducked down and drag herself to Karina's side with her elbows. Then...
She quickly covered Karina's nose with the chlorine napkin and she fainted. Kyujin smirled at the unconscious girl then walked out of the room.

She came back with a knife that she took from the kitchen. She stabbed three times in Karina's heart and pushed the knife in the chest. She went to get changed since she's covered with blood.

After changing, she quickly hide the bloody clothes in the plants. She looked through the peephole and saw no one. Kyujin went out and quietly closed the door and dashed into NMIXX dorm.

Nobody touches what's mine except for me, asshole Kyujin thought.

OBSESSION / KyuYoon FF ( Kyujin × Sullyoon )✔ Where stories live. Discover now