05 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

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All the Uppermoons stood in the Infinity Castle, waiting for orders

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All the Uppermoons stood in the Infinity Castle, waiting for orders.

Akaza was standing behind the others with his arms crossed, keeping his mind clear and undisturbed. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on calming his nerves and displaying no interest in the conversations taking place before him.

"Akaza-dono~ It's been a while since I've seen your face!" A familiar annoying voice said appearing next to him.

Douma slung his arm around his shoulder with his usual toothy grin.

Akaza's eye twitched and he stopped the urge to punch the man.

"Oh~ Whats with the scary expression?" Douma asked, repeatedly poking his marked cheek.

"Get off me..." Akaza let out before reeling back and punching him in the face, "... YOU BASTARD"

His hit caused his arm to go through Douma's face, splitting it in half.

But of course, the rainbow-eyed demon was unaffected as he laughed cheerfully, "Where have you been lately, Akaza-dono~ You're nowhere to be seen! I feel lonely without my best friend, you know?"

The man may have been smiling, but there was the usual underlying strangeness to his words

'Best friend, my ass' Akaza thought, a tick mark on his forehead as he felt whatever patience in him (which to be fair, was never a lot, to begin with) disappear.

He instantly swirled his body and kicked Douma hard, causing the blonde man to fly across the room, crashing into some of the furniture.

The other Uppermoons didn't even bat an eye at their shenanigans as they were used to them fighting like rabid dogs. All that was left now was for Akaza to start barking like one.

Nakime strung her biwa and instantly, all the demons stood still.

The aura around them shifted into a more uneasy one. The tapping of shoes entered the room over the platform and the figure of a tall suited man appeared.

Kibutsuji Muzan.

Instantly, the Uppermoons fell to their knees, bowing in respect and fear.

Akaza gulped, clearing his head of any thoughts of the (H/c) haired woman, in case Muzan tried to read his mind.

Y/n had given him a home to stay and had been nothing but kind to him, he didn't want to put her in harm's way.

"Stand," Muzan spoke, his voice deep and authoritative. He stood in an air of arrogance and pure power.

The demons rose, standing straight, with their heads slightly bowed in respect and obedience.

Muzan spoke about each demon's work, asking them for any updates on the search for the blue spider lily. He addressed any problems and threatened them like always.

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