20 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

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"Huh... Impressive, you're a fast learner," Akaza said grinning, showing off his sharp fangs as he watched the woman before him catch her breath.

"Oh yeah?" Y/n panted, a smug expression on her face.

The demon nodded and said, "Again," At his words, she took a fighting stance and reeled her arm back to punch him the way he'd shown her.

Akaza let his quick reflexes rest, letting himself be a bit slower as he dodged. It was clear he was going easy on her considering she would have no chance at beating him if he was trying with her limited experience. But, his main goal was to slowly get her to be physically stronger.

Y/n's hits were hard yes, maybe not painful to a powerful demon like him, but with some more training, she'd be stronger than the average human. She was not on the same level as a demon or a demon slayer yet, but he hoped to get her there soon. She had so much potential and it would be a waste to not strengthen it.

"Now, now, don't get tired so soon~" Akaza mused as they continued to train, "You haven't managed to get a hit on me yet. And you already know I'm going super easy on you,"

Y/n chuckled, not taking his teasing to heart as she reeled her arm back to try and land another hit at him, "Yeah well, a doctor doesn't exactly usually do so much physical exercises..." She joked.

The demon dodged her hit, staring at her with a small sweet smile, "Maybe... But I know you'll be able to do it,"

'He's so pretty...' She thought, sighing, 'I'm getting so distracted...'

After a while, they took a break. Y/n lay in the grass, exhausted from her training. They'd been training for a week or so now, and she knew she was slowly getting better at fighting. Akaza was a great teacher considering he was so patient with her. (She doubted anyone else would think he's a good teacher though)

Akaza sat next to the tired woman, staring down at her with a gentle expression, "You're improving... Considering you didn't accidentally punch yourself, again,"

She groaned and she placed her hands over her face in humiliation, "Please stop bringing it up...!" Her embarrassment seemed to only amuse the demon more because he laughed at her expense.

"No way, I won't ever forget it," He laughed, unable to stop thinking about how baffled he was when she accidentally hit herself. It was on their first day of training and he was already worried she might've hurt herself.

"You know..." Y/n started, removing her hands from her face as she lay in the grass, "That wasn't the first time I did that..."

"Seriously?" Akaza deadpanned, staring down at her blankly. Who would've thought that the usually graceful L/n Y/n could be a dumbass?

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 | Akaza × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now