Welcome To The Goku-Verse

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A world where live many legend.

A world where everything is possible.

Many warrior and fighter has enter into history.

However, one being specificaly stood up the most.

Son Goku.

A being from a alien race called Saiyan who once was sent to conquer the world.Instead become it greatest protector after stopping the Saiyan invasion. And soon save the Universe by defeating Frieza the emperor of the galaxy, by becoming the legendary Super Saiyan.

However...What if thing were different?

In the Multiverse there infinite possiblity, in which thing happen differently. But for this story, we're gonna focus on those centered on Goku. For example:

What if Goku was a Renegade?

What if Goku lost to Frieza and became a cyborg?

What if Goku was a hedgehog?

What if Goku was a woman?

And more importantly...

What if Goku instead to be earth's greatest's protector was his greatest nightmare?

What if all these Goku meet?

Lady and gentleman, let's find out the answer in this story.

Let's enter...the Goku-Verse.

??? Age 764

"Hey. What is this place?" Were the word spoken by a man with spiky hair. He wore a orange fighting gi with blue belt wristband and boot. This was Son Goku, and he was confuse.

Goku was training with Gohan and Piccolo to fight the Androids that will come in 3 Year, and when he was about to go fishing a green light envelop him and now he find himself in a weird place with red seat and a giant screen.

Goku look around. "This place look like thoses movie theator that Bulma told me about. But why i am here? And where are the other?"

Suddenly, a green light appear. And when it's was gone, there was someone else instead. When Goku see who it was he was shocked.

Standing in front of Goku...was a being who look just like him with the same face, even his clotche were similar, the only difference was that instead of being orange and blue, it's was grey and Red.

The Goku look-a-like notice him and take a fighting stand. "Who are you?"

Goku blinked. "Me? I am Goku."

The other Goku growled. "Is this a joke? There no way that you can be Goku! I am Goku!"

Goku was surprise. "What! But it's not possible, unless." He snap his finger. "I know! You must be me from the future!"

The other Goku rose a eyebrow. "The future? What the hell are you-"

Another green light appear, interrupting the other Goku. There was another person.

It's was a woman, with spiky hair similar to Goku but shorter, with a red hair tie. Her clotches were similar to the first Goku, but instead of a pant she wear a black short with orange skirt, along with longer boot.

The woman look around. "Where i am? This is not my home." Then she spot the two Goku. "Who are you two?"

Goku waved. "Hi! My name Goku, nice to meet you!"

Goku-Verse React To Goku Versus Z(By TheRedHeadHenry)Where stories live. Discover now