Goku The Savior Of The Universe And Evil Goku The Destroyer Of Worlds

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Evil Goku's Realm...

Evil Goku put on the grey and red GI, take the Malrupt Juice's bottle and remote, before he grab a stone and use it to write something on a rock.

Evil Goku then walk away before he stop and presse the button making a green portal appear.

Evil Goku stare at the portal, before he walk in. Then he got through a Multiversal tunnel, traveling until he reach his destination.

Unknown Universe...

A green portal appear, before someone flew through in.

Evil Goku land on the ground, he smirk before he stand up. He then notice that all the portals stopped appearing.

"Seems Piccolo was right. The portals have stopped opening." stated Evil Goku. "Echo-G must be detecting my power signature." He then put two finger on his forehead. "Hrm. Lot's of Goku signatures. Uncluding...That Goku-God hybrid, Zamasu." Said Evil Goku seriously. "And he's fighting...Goku?!" He exclaim shocked.

Evil Goku then try to teleport, but it don't work. "Instant transmition isn't working. There's too many overlapping Goku power signatures making hard it hard to get a lock on Goku's position."

Evil Goku rose a eyebrow. "Instant transmition?"

Goku (Prime) perked up. "I know that! It's a technique that allow me to teleport where i can feel energy signature."

Gokumi smile. "Sound neat."

Evil Goku crossed his arms. "And since when i know this technique?"

Cosmic shrug. "Since you taken the Supreme Kai as a hostage."

Evil Goku then remove his finger. "No problem." He stated with a smirk before a white aura surrond him and he flew toward his destination.

On the battlefield...

Goku Black stare at Goku(Prime) who was unconsious on the rock, before he float toward him.

Mecha Goku and Gokumi land in front of him and turned into Super Saiyan.

Goku Black stopped. "More of you? Why do you continue to protect and use your pathetic power levels?" He asked with a smirk.

"I guess playing it safe has never being in our style." Answered Mecha Goku.

"But you must realize that standing before me equals your death. So why? Why would you willingly choose this?" Asked again Goku Black.

Goku (Hedgehog) shrug. "Maybe it's because we're not evil jerk like you."

"If you have to ask, then you never understand." Said Mecha Goku.

Then...Mecha Goku's right arm was teared off his body thanks to a death beam.

Goku (Prime) and Gokumi gasped. "No!"

Mecha Goku flinch and instinctively hold his right arm.

Gokumi gasped. "No!"

Goku Black laugh while holding his left finger.

Mecha Goku then kneel as he goes back to his base form.

Goku Black's eyes turned purple as Gokumi was surronded of a aura from the same colors as she was launched on a mountain, before the same thing happen to Mecha Goku.

Goku Black chuckles as his eyes goes back to normal.

Goku(Prime) returns to his base form as he regains conscious.

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