Battle Of The Multiverse

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The screen light up and show a destroyed city with grey cloud in the sky.


Age 760

Evil Goku eyes widen.This place and date,it's was when... He glared at Cosmic. "What the hell do that mean?! I thought that we were gonna see the future?!"

Cosmic glance at him. "What you see right now is a flashback.and believe it or not but it's actually very important for need to see this."

Evil Goku was confused and angry.Why do he need to watch his wife be killed by his brother?

From a bulding a woman can be seen in the edge of a destroyed window in front of a man with long hair. "I heard everything that you wanted to say. Now I want you to leave." exclaimed the woman.

"Chichi." Whispered Evil Goku.This was her. The love of his life. The only person that he geniously cared about. Before he lost her forever.

"That Chichi?" Asked Goku. before looking at the long hair man. "And Raditz! it's being a long time since the last i see him."

"Very well." Answer the man. "i will leave earth and never return. You understand my reasoning for coming here. It was worth a shot. I am happy for you and my brother. As you welcome this new child to this world. "The floor on Chichi's feet beging to crack. "Best wish Chichi. May your life be filled with happiness" Exclaims the man before walking away.

"What?" Evil Goku said surprise. Raditz was leaving? just like that? then how did Chichi die?... Then Evil Goku eyes widen once he see Chichi's feet. "No." He muttered.

Chichi was inhaling before exhaling...then the floor cracked. and Chichi fell with a gasp. It's seems like the time was slowing down as she was falling to her death.

"Chichi!" Yell Goku and all his variants who know Chichi.

A blue skinned person in black clothes saw this. "Oh no." He flew to catch her. "I am not going to make it!"

"Piccolo?" Exclaim Goku and Mecha Goku confused. Why was he blue. Namekian were green. Wheren't They?

Evil Goku was surprise once more. Piccolo was here that day? then why didn't he say anything then?

The man saw all this. "What the?" 

Chichi places her hand on her belly as tear fall of her cheek and she close her eyes one last time before she fall on the ground.

A bit far away. A hand hit the hall beside him. This hand belonged to Evil Goku who was angry.

"Damn you, Raditz!" Evil Goku exclaims before holding his right shoulder with the hand he punches the wall.He started walk up...then he stop and gasp once he saw a body on the ground,Before he flew forward,

"Chichi!" Evil Goku yell as he arrive in front of his wife's body. "No!" He said desperately before kneeling. "Chichi." Was all he said before he start to sob while putting a hand on her belly.

Chichi and their unborn child...were dead.

Raditz and the blue man watch the scene. Neither of them believe what happens.

Goku-Verse React To Goku Versus Z(By TheRedHeadHenry)Where stories live. Discover now