Goku Black The Unstoppable!

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Long Time Ago

"Goku?" Said a voice.

Evil Goku's eyes widen. "Chichi."

Many Goku paid attention to what they see.

The screen light up and show Evil Goku lying down the ground with his head on Chichi's belly.

Chichi open her eyes. "Goku? Think that we should have a baby."

Evil Goku Smile mockly. "A child? You gotta be joking. Kids are useless."

"My son Gohan would beg to differt." Commented Goku(Prime).

"You have a son? I have a daugther!" Exclaimed Gokumi surprised.

"I also have Gohan back home." Added Mecha Goku.

"Really? That's really awesome!" Said Goku(Prime) with a smile. Neither of them noticed Evil Goku looking at them with a frown. Especially Goku(Prime).

"I don't have any childs though." Commented Goku(Hedgehog).

"Same here." Said Evil Gokumi.

"Me too." Said Renegade Goku.

Chichi smile as well. "Oh come on.Don't you want a strong boy to carry on your legacy as the King of Earth? You could train him to succeed you."

Evil Goku answer. "My rule over Earth will not be succeeded by anyone. Not even my own son. Besides. What if it's a girl?"

Chichi gently strokes his cheek."A princess that you could spoil and give her anything that she wants."

Evil Goku roll his eyes. "The last thing i need is a second little Chichi running aroud and causing mischief just like her mother."

"Oh come on! Let's do it! Let's have a baby." Insisted Chichi with her voice becoming a Echo at the end.as the screen fade to black.

Gokumi look at Evil Goku. "I guess that you end up agree in the end right?"

Evil Goku nodded. "Yes, after some time i decided to have a child, unfortunately...You saw what happen."

Goku(Prime) winced. Even though he didn't always show it, he cared a lot about his family. And see Chichi being killed, even though it was a accident...It left a bad taste in him.


We find ourself in a sinister landscap with the wind pickiing up.and lightning sticking from time of time.

Evil Goku's Realm

Sitting on a rock was another Goku. He was topless and with grey torn pant and red boots.his head,in which there was a halo, was lowered.

[Evil Goku]

"So this is where i am." Stated Evil Goku before he frown at see his future self. What happening to him?

"I'm surprised that he wasn't taken as well." Commented Golden Goku.

"There was a portal that appared in this Realm actually." Said Cosmic. "However it's taken Goku(Prime) instead, Evil Goku try to help him to not get aspired, but you saw the result.


Evil Goku rose a eyebrow. Him? helping someone else? That's don't sound like something he would do. Even if it was another him.

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