Sayonara! Until We Meet Again!

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Evil Goku and Cosmic stare at each other, one with curiosity, the other with seriousness.

Cosmic titled his head. "What do you want to know?"

Evil Goku stare at him, then asked. "Why did you do it?"

Cosmic rose a eyebrow.

Evil Goku elabored. "You didn't have to show us all of this, and yet you did. What cause you to show us the future? What do you gain of this?"

Cosmic look at him then sigh. "...I have several reasons for doing this. One of them is that while i wouldn't call myself a good person, there are a lot of thing that i can't stand. And manipulation is one of them. I though that you deserved to know the true sooner rather then wasting a century of chaos and in the end losing the will of doing anything."

Evil Goku rose a eyebrow. "You said that you have several reasons. What are they?"

Cosmic waved his hands. "I rather keep some of them for myself if you don't mind. But i can at least tell you that i wanted you to meet some of your variant. Including Goku(Prime) and the other 5 that was sitted with you. Because of all the Gokus that i brough here, they are the one who can understand and get along with you better. Especially Evil Gokumi since she's a female version of you."

Evil Goku frown, but accepted the answers. however there was something else he wanted to know. "Who are you really?"

Cosmic stare at him. "If you're asking what i am then i am a watcher."

Evil Goku blinked. "A watcher?"

Cosmic nodded. "Yes. You see, there several being who rank are similar to god or at the very last are above a lot of being in the Multiverse. We call them watcher. Their jobs is to either restore the balance of the Universe or fix anything that goes wrong. Sometime they have the habit to bring people in a theater so that they could react to anything they want. Either to help other people or because they are bored."

Evil Goku cocked his head. "You mean that we aren't the first one to be brough in a theater?"

Cosmic shook his head. "No. And you won't be the last either....However for some reason some of them make reaction under the form of raps. Which start to get old if anyone ask me. So i decided to make one of my own that is not about raps."

Evil Goku frown again. "You made it sound like you are using us to entertain you."

Cosmic waved his hands. "Don't be ridiculous. If that was the case, i would have bring anyone who is not Goku from your respective Universe, or even Goku Black for that matters...Anyway, i think that there someone else that want to talk to you."

He turned toward the door. "Right, Goku?"

Evil Goku turned toward the door, and to his surprise, Goku(Prime) appear while scrathing the back of his head. "Look like i was discovered."

Evil Goku frown. "What are you doing here?"

Goku(Prime) look at him. "I notice that you didn't follow us, so i was worried and decided to come back here."

Cosmic smile. "Classic Goku."

Goku(Prime) and Evil Goku turned toward him as he continued. "Once your battle with the other are over, i will send you back to your respective Universe right at the moment where i take you. In the meantime, have fun."

Cosmic then dissapear somewhere else. Leaving the two Goku alone in the room.

Goku(Prime) and Evil Goku stare at each other. Then the former break the silence with a chuckles. "Well, this was a pretty crazy day right?"

Goku-Verse React To Goku Versus Z(By TheRedHeadHenry)Where stories live. Discover now