Vax'ildan x (GenderNeutral!Reader)💓

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Vax: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Y/n: I think you mean cards.
Vax, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.

Warning: None, Just a little thing of when you and vax started dating-


"Is something wrong?" You ask as you shift in Vax's arms, peering from his chest to see that he looked just as tense as he felt, having not at all relaxed since the time they both started this. Despite his best efforts to reassure you that he was indeed alright, even forcing himself to lay as still as he could to hide it, the look you sent him was enough to get him to sigh in defeat, ultimately resting his head on one outstretched arm and hesitantly placing his other around your waist again.

"I just never got a lot of...this, growing up," he admitted with a small laugh that sounded strained, running his fingers down the small of your back and looking straight at the wooden roof, unable to meet your gaze when you looked up at him. Memories from long ago began to resurface all at once, moments in time where he'd asked for attention and affection and had received none from anyone, not even his own father; for the moment he was just lost in thought, suddenly feeling like the small child who'd been starved of love.

"Me and Vex...We where taken from our mother at a young age, and our father was a neglectful fuck. Vex never really was the cuddle type either. I think for a long time I just didn't feel good enough to have this in my life, you know? I-I thought I'd have to work hard to have this, sacrifice everything I am for it, and now I can just...cuddle with you whenever I want."

And yet I still don't think it's real.

The sensation of your hands pressing gently against his chest broke him from his musing, and immediately his eyes widened, suddenly very, very conscious of how vulnerably pathetic he might've seemed, shame flushed his cheeks, and his hands flew up to his shield his face by instinct.

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have-Fucking hell-"

"No, don't be." You shushed tenderly, refusing to let him hide from you of all people, carefully peeling his hands away from his face to see the way he winced when you gazed at him...there were tears in his eyes, and you were at his side in an instant, holding him instead, letting him cling to you like a lifeline even when the sun fell and there was nothing else but darkness and the warmth of his shaking body on yours.

"I love you, you're the only person I would do this with. You deserve the world Vax." You say as he stay quiet for a few minutes,
"Thank you Y/n..." He mumbles before falling asleep.


Still taking suggestion! I will be trying to update here and there though-


Vox Machina x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now