Keyleth x (GenderNeutral!Reader)💓

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Keyleth: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.
Keyleth: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?

Warnings: None, just wholesome


The bedsheets seem to cling to your skin, twisting and turning as you do so, unable to fall asleep.

It's been like this for the past few nights: nightmares plague your sleep until you're forced to stay awake the rest of the night from fear, or you're just too scared to fall asleep in the first place.

Keyleth groans beside you as you turn once more, trying to tug the blankets back over her body. Immediately feeling bad, you let go of the covers and feel them slip away as Keyleth turns to face away from you, snoring softly.

The moonlight pouring in through the window gave the room a eary feel too it, making you shake a tad bit more. You could hear the sounds of the rest of vox machina sleeping in their seprate rooms, and the sounds of their snores would usually be enough to help you drift off again but, lately, it's just been a bigger source of the problem.

You clutch the pillow beneath your head, shivering slightly in the new coolness of the room. The snoring coming from your wife and your guys friends seems louder than usual, more compressing. Everything, now that you think about it, seems to be amplified: the rustling of trees outside in the wind; the creaking of the bed you and Keyleth share; the beating of your heart in your ears.

Maybe it was the nightmare. Yeah, the nightmare caused it.

As you shift again, your - cold - foot comes into contact with Keyleth's bare leg. Said Girl jolts at the feeling, eyes snapping open. You whip around to look at her as she sits-up bolt upright.

"Gods, that was cold. Why are your feet always so cold?" she says groggily. Then she squints at you. "How long have you been awake?"

"A few hours," you admit. "I had a nightmare."

Keyleth's expression softens. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't want to be a bother," you say. "And it seemed like you were having a nice dream."

"Who cares?"

Keyleth shuffles back down and wraps her arms around you, bringing the sheets over to cover your body. The warmth of her body pressed right up to you is comforting, calming - it's exactly what you need.

"Do you want to talk about the nightmare?"

You shake your head.

"That's okay."

Keyleth presses a kiss to the back of your head, softly squeezing her arms around you. The mere feeling of her body against yours grants you a feeling of security, like she can protect you from absolutely anything, maybe even the nightmares.

"I'll stay awake until you're asleep again, all right?"

You frown. "But you need sleep. You've got a busy day."

"I won't be able to do anything knowing you got no sleep," Keyleth says. "Now, go to sleep. I'll be right here if you have another nightmare."

Begrudgingly, you nod. Despite that, you're grateful for it. How many other people would stay up with you to make sure you got to sleep? Not many, you think. Keyleth, your Keyleth, has always been kind, staying awake with you as children to watch the stars and doing everything he could to make you happy. You suppose that is no different now, and you're glad that that's the case.

"Thank you," you say quietly, snuggling deeper into her hold.

"Sweet dreams," Keyleth whispers, kissing the tip of your ear.

And, as you drift off, you smile, eternally grateful that you are the lucky person who got to call Keyleth theirs.

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