15- From Girl to Woman

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She was just a girl, so young and pure,
But life had something else in store,
Forced to grow up before her time,
She had to learn to stand and climb.

Dependent on her spouse, she once was,
Trusting him to take care of the cause,
But as time went by, she began to see,
That her own strength could set her free.

She struggled to find her footing at first,
Her past haunting her, as she rehearsed,
The memories of a life so harsh,
Made her feel like she was swimming in marsh.

But she refused to let her past define,
The woman she was meant to be, so fine,
And so she learned to stand on her own,
Fighting her battles, and standing alone.

Now she's independent, but still in pain,
Struggling on a different terrain,
Her struggles have changed, but they remain,
Her past scars, still causing a strain.

But she keeps on moving, step by step,
Bravely facing each challenge with pep,
For she knows she's come so far,
And she won't let anything dim her star.

She's a survivor, through and through,
With a spirit that's brave and true,
A girl no more, but a woman so strong,
Who won't let anything hold her down for long.



Thank you for taking the time to read "From Girl to Woman". This poem is inspired by the struggles that many young women face when they are forced to grow up too quickly. It's about the journey of a girl who had to become a woman before her time, and the challenges she faced along the way.

Through her struggles, she learned the power of her own strength and resilience. She fought to overcome her past and become independent, even though she faced new struggles along the way. But through it all, she never lost sight of the strong woman she was becoming.

I hope this poem reminds you of the strength and courage that lies within you, no matter what obstacles you may face in life. We all have the ability to overcome our struggles and become the person we were meant to be. So, never give up on yourself, and always keep pushing forward.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed "From Girl to Woman".



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