46- Fleeting Dreams

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In the still of night, as shadows loom,
And the moon casts a pallid light,
A haunting whisper fills the room,
Of dreams that take flight.

Fleeting dreams, like wisps of smoke,
That slip through grasping hands,
Their beauty but a passing stroke,
Before slipping through life's strands.

They dance and play, a fleeting spark,
A momentary pleasure,
Then vanish in the dark,
Lost treasures we can't measure.

Life too, is like a fleeting dream,
A moment in time we borrow,
A fragile thing, it seems,
And all too soon, we must go.

So, seize the moment while you may,
Embrace the fleeting beauty,
Before it fades and slips away,
Like dreams that shirk their duty.


Genre: Dark Poetry

"Fleeting Dreams" is a poem that explores the fragile nature of life and the transient nature of our existence. It speaks to the idea that life is like a dream, a fleeting moment in time that we must cherish before it slips away. The poem encourages readers to embrace the beauty of life and to make the most of every moment.

As a poet, I am always drawn to the darker themes of life, and "Fleeting Dreams" is no exception. The imagery and metaphor used in the poem are meant to evoke a sense of sadness and longing, as we reflect on the brevity of life and the inevitability of our own mortality. 

I hope that readers will find meaning and resonance in this poem, and that it will inspire them to live their lives to the fullest and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Thank you for taking the time to read my work.



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