The heroes breibia

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 Nine was blowing up a white balloon, he wasn't particularly good at it,  he was using his entire lung capacity and still not having the best of the results. The small pile of balloons on his side was not being completed any time soon. He was supposed to make at least twenty at this point, but not even one was done yet. The number turned and looked at Eight, who was standing at the other corner of the roof, after staring at him for a few seconds Eight rolled their eyes and went to the rescue.

 In the roof of the building, the numbers were preparing a big party. Nine told them that before appearing there it was just a week away from the day of the arrival, and he wanted to celebrate it. Because they were all from different moments in time, the established date caused a little disagreement, and not only that, the fact that they didn't find One yet caused Ten to refuse to participate.

 For example, Five complained that it was unfair that it was Nine's time the one they were going to pick as the new default, after all, everyone had a just as valid alternative. Nine didn't argue anything, but begged for the others to listen to his idea, it was the closest date possible for it and everyone loved receiving gifts and eating cake.

 Six showed with a big box of chips, they were very enthusiastic about the celebration, mostly because it was the only day Eight didn't voice their complaints about how it was important to have a healthy diet. They left the box on a corner with the others and counted how many were already there, in Six's mind the sky was the limit when it came to junk food "Maybe later I could get soda, oh yes, Eight hates those" Six smirked as they imagined all the possibilities.

"Be careful, you two..." Three said "...and don't look down"

"You remember we can fly, right?" Seven said, Two was helping her to pull some garlands over a series of iron rods that existed at the end of every mayor pillar in the building.

"Yeah but that ruins the fun" Three answered and smiled, after that the other two already finished tightening up the garlands and were climbing down the stairs to the roof again.

 Three was holding a tiny list and checked something. His task was simple, just look at what others do and write it down. Most would define this obligation as not very useful and quite boring, but there was a twist to it Eight was patiently waiting to happen.

"The fun?" Two said "Falling to the ground doesn't sound very funny"

 Seven didn't want to say anything in response to Three's apparent teasing, it was just a fabricated phrase they probably wanted the others to find funny, but as usual failed because Three can't be intentionally funny.

 Two went to help Eight blow the balloons Nine was incapable of finishing, and Seven, thinking nobody was looking in her direction tried to flee, walking to the stairs, in times like this the best thing they could imagine was sleeping alone in her room while re-watching terrible movies all day. Their interest in the occasion was not nonexistent, but after centuries of evading the compromise as much as possible it basically became a tradition on its own for them, back in the equation playground they would "disappear" for a few hours before returning and being told that if they were to do that the next year they would no longer be invited, and also depending on how many accidents happened that year, scolded for negligence.

 They were about to escape when a voice resounded all over the roof, to the point that it was also heard at some of the lower floors and, if you paid enough attention, also on the ground.

"FOR THE POWER OF THE BEHOLDER, WAIT RIGHT THERE YOU ROGUE, YOU ARE NOT OUTSMARTING ME" Three shouted, Seven stopped walking immediately and everyone started to look at the scene "Turn and look at me Seven, not even a natural 20 would save you from me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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