3: Nighthaven

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Date: 24/05/23 (Wednesday)
Time: 13:44 (1:44 PM)
Location: Hereford Air Base (Herefordshire, United Kingdom)
POV: Third Person

The medical bay was empty. Doc was in the town, buying food for his dorm, and Thunderbird was out at the helicopter pad, working on a downed chopper. It was quiet all around base. 

Buck and Frost walked into the medical bay, a training accident had happened and now Buck was bleeding badly. Frost set him down on a bed and looked around for Doc.

Frost: "Doc isn't here..."

Buck: "It's his shopping day... go look around for new guy. Ian, isn't it? He has medical experience."

Frost: "Yeah I'll go look for him."

She left the room, practically running to try and find him. It wouldn't be hard to, though, as Ian was walking around the halls with Zero. 

Zero: "I never signed up to be Six... I only signed up to help out. That's why I let Mike take it before me."

Ian: "Gotch-"

Frost had grabbed Ian's arm and began to drag him to the medical bay. Zero just chuckled and began to follow, curious about what was going to happen. They got to the medical bay quickly and Ian just sighed as he looked at Buck.

Ian: "The fuck did you do?" He asked as he put on some medical gloves.

Buck: "Training accident..."

Frost: "He decided it would be a good idea to spar Maxim (Kapkan)."

Ian: "Well there's issue number one."

Ian cleaned up Buck and identified where the bleeding was coming from, which was a nice gash on his forehead. Ian disinfected the wound and put some bandages on it.

Ian: "No more stupid shit, okay bud?"

Buck: "Aye captain."

Buck got up and left with Frost, with Ian sighing and throwing away the gloves that he had used. He looked around the medical bay, enjoying what he had saw. He smiled a bit before he left.

A Few Hours Later (18:01 - 6:01 PM)
POV: Ian "Bluejay" Zlydaszyk

I was sitting in the mess hall, just enjoying my dinner by myself. Most of everyone else was out at the bar, except for a couple asleep. That didn't bother me any, though. Most of them suck.

Pulse and Hibana walked in, the two of them arguing with each other. I decided to listen in, and they were talking about Nighthaven, and that's what they were arguing about. They had just passed through the mess hall, and I just sighed. Lion walked in, he clearly just had woken up. He got food and sat down by me. 

Lion: "Hello, Ian."

"Hey Olivier."

Lion: "Quiet down here, huh?"

"Yeah... most of everyone is out at Morrie's."

Lion: "Classic bar night."

He took a bite of his food while I looked around, I had missed Thunderbird, Nomad, and Maverick all walk in. I presume those were the only people left in the building who I hadn't seen, besides for the cooks and janitors. The three got their food before they sat down. Nomad and Maverick sat at their own table, while Thunderbird sat down with Lion and I.

Lion: "Hey Mina."

Thunderbird: "Hi Olivier. Hi Ian."

I just waved at her before I cleared my throat, I had something stuck in it. However, I did want to bring up the argument that I saw earlier.

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