6: New Allies, New Enemies, and War Crimes

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"... the investigation team in Cleveland is still investigating the disappearance of the girl. In other news, in the United Kingdom, the bank robbery that took place a day ago had more in store than most may think. Parliament has stated that inside there were some disclosed files with something that could very well begin a war between NATO and Russia. They refuse to elaborate further. What once was just a simple robbery has turned national. It is now 11:17 AM on this Saturday, June 3. You are listening to-"

Location: Bedford, United Kingdom
POV: Ian "Bluejay" Zlydaszyk

"So.. this is the place."

I had parked across the street from an abandoned warehouse. My GPS had all three of the people who had robbed the bank inside of the warehouse. I would sigh and look over at Kali, who was pondering. 

"We'll be going in blind, so we'll probably have to stay close."

Kali: "Right. Don't need Mike seeing you in a body bag."

"I'd prefer not to see you in one, either."

There was a tap on Kali's window, and it was a police officer.

Police: "Hey, you know it's illegal to park here, right?"

"Sorry, just a bit lost and trying to figure out where to go."

Police: "There's a parking lot up ahead and to the left."

"Oh cool, thank you."

I drove into the parking lot, it was filled with cars.

Kali: "If we had more insight, we could actually plan something out."

"Well, I guess we just have to go in and hope for the best."

Kali: "Best we can do right now. Thank god this looks like it's only one floor."

"They'll have the jump on us, though. They know the place inside and out."

Kali: "Hm... only if we had someone to watch the outside."

I sighed and I noticed the police officer staring us down. An idea formed in my head immediately, and I for him to come over. He slowly did, curious.

Police: "What's up bud?"

I pulled out my Rainbow badge from my pocket and showed it to him.

"We're planning to invade that warehouse across the street, we believe the three criminals that robbed the bank are in there. We need you to gather your force to watch the perimeter."

He blinked a few times before he reached for his radio.

Police: "Hey dispatch... you won't believe this..."


Well, he, who I learned was Adam Paul (basic bitch name), got his force for us. They had surrounded the building, all while being stealthy about it. We noticed cameras outside of the building, so most are in plain clothes. Kali and I had stacked up against a side entrance, myself with my SC3000K and her with her CSRX 300. 

"Ready for this shit?"

Kali: "Let's fucking rock this."

I stepped in front of the door before kicking it in, the lights inside the building were on. We slowly entered, we seemed to be in the main part of the warehouse. It was quiet in the building, all of the shelves cleared.

"Be careful, they can shoot us through the shelves."

Kali: "Why would they do that?"

"They stole government files, I think the last thing they care about right now is giving up."

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