Chapter 3 - Found You

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A small whimper left the poor animal as the little boy cried for the black dog. It wanted to lick away the sad tears from it's owner, despite it's strong desire, the dog no longer had the strength to move, even a simple blinking was almost an impossible way to do it. Fiery fire spreading like a disease was surrounding the two lives. Tall trees collapsed without any remorse, the boy could feel the pain from the green. His teary eyes were staring at the tree which always blossomed with many fruits. A short yet happy memory flashed across him. He still remembered his Hyung plucked the fruits from it, cutting them into half and would always give him the biggest one. Now he could never had the opportunity to taste the sweetness of the fruits again. The boy wiped off his tears, dropping his sight back to his best friend who was resting on his lap while panting. He could see the pain and the torture from its eyes. It was begging the boy to finish him off.

"I'm sorry Blackie..."

His voice was shaking but he had to stay strong and let Blackie go without any further suffering. The boy tightened his grip on its neck, with tears flowing nonstop, and lastly dropped on the body of the dog. After one last small whimper, as if to bid goodbye, he could feel his best friend had stopped breathing. The little boy sniffed as he looked at his own hands. Out of a sudden, he saw total red on his palms. Yeah, he just killed his best friend. Blackie died under his hands! How cruel could he be to finish his only friend. Hyung must be disappointed about it.

The boy could hear his own heart shattered into pieces, his final defense had collapsed into dust. He broke down and cried over the death of Blackie, mouth kept asking for help from his brother. No one could hear his grieve. Slowly, his voice was drowned in a big fire.

Y/N's eyes shot up immediately with her arms straightened, trying to pull Lee Rang from the fire. She panted rapidly as her heart was beating impossibly quick from the nightmare she was having a minute ago. The woman tried to swallow the big limp in her throat, she attempted to control her anxiety she got from the incident just now. Yeah, no need to worry, she saw Lee Rang escape from the site with Blackie before her vision went totally black. Y/N curiously scanning around, noticed that she was in a room which was decorated with a lot of ancient decorations.

"Who are you?"

Her heart jumped when she heard a woman's voice beside her ears suddenly. Y/N instantly turned her head to the source and saw a familiar woman sitting across her, wearing a spectacle, eyes stuck on the screen, paying no attention to Y/N. Thinking back on the storyline, she knew who this woman was.

"I'm Lim Y/N, halmoni." (Grandma)

"You know I was not asking about your name."

She shot a glance at Y/N, who was now staring at her with a serious face.

"Your name wasn't in here. I couldn't find any information about you. Care to explain? Tell me, who are you?"

Goosebumps attacked her as Y/N felt the strong aura in this woman. To be exact, she was Taluipa, who was managing the list of dead souls. She was famous for her strong and cold-hearted attitude, sometimes even strict, how she was going to explain everything when she didn't have a clue also. However, Y/N still told the truth, including she's coming from another world to the woman.

During the session, Taluipa didn't speak any words but just stared at Y/N with the utmost attention.

"Nah, I know you won't believe me."
"No, I believe you."

Taluipa replied, ignored the shock from Y/N and turned her attention back on the screen, which had a big question mark on it.

"I know there's a lot of world out there."

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