Chapter 11 - Sweet and Sour

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Ever since that event occurred, everyone's life has started to pace up eventually. Unlike the storyline in the drama, Lee Rang wasn't badly hurt and Yuri didn't join Imoogi in order to protect Lee Rang. Overall, Y/N thought it was quite a nice result as she expected. Even though the biggest problem was yet to arrive.

Nonetheless, in order to defeat the final boss of the story, Imoogi, Lee Yeon decided to call up a meeting to find ways to finish Imoogi.

The meeting was quite interesting to talk with. Four humans and four Gumihos, in total eight members.

The force became larger since Y/N and Yuri was in the group too.

As Lee Yeon thought the meeting would proceed smoothly, the small quarrel between his brother and his lover would happen from time to time. Lee Rang would ridicule and put off her hope whenever Ji-A suggested something, and the woman didn't let his words go over her too. The mouth-fighting was truly intense and the crowd could only stay silent when this moment came. Except Yuri, who would feel excited and giggled whenever Lee Rang talked back to Ji-A. She even thumbed up at Lee Rang and the Gumiho would feel proud of it too. Shin-Joo tried to stop Yuri, but as everyone knows, he earned a glare from the female.

Lee Yeon was truly in a headache.

"Lee Rang, what are you doing!? Sit properly!"

Lee Yeon scolded his brother, who was now sitting like a shrimp on the couch. Maybe because he wanted to help Ji-A to win the argument, Lee Yeon vexatiously pointed out Lee Rang's action.

However, Lee Yeon had chosen the wrong person. Because there would be one person who always supports Lee Rang no matter what.

"Shut up, old man. He can sit whatever he wants."

Y/N fought back and Lee Yeon widened his eyes at her.

"Rangie, why don't you sit properly?"
"Yes, my lady."

Just one word from Y/N, Lee Rang obediently fixed his posture. He then made a face at Lee Yeon, who was having a facepalm moment. The others remained silent while watching the three of them. Meanwhile, Yuri was holding back her laugh again.

"Alright, fine."

Lee Yeon admitted his loss. Both Y/N and Lee Rang shared the same smile with each other.

At the end of the day, Lee Yeon suggested a way to end Imoogi's life and everyone agreed with him too, since that was the only perfect way to think of.

When Y/N was about to leave with Lee Rang, Lee Yeon stopped her.

"Wait a moment, Y/N."

Y/N blinked her eyes at Lee Yeon for a second before she told Lee Rang to wait outside.

"What's wrong, Lee Yeon?"
"That, did Imoogi die in the end?"

Lee Yeon asked with an uneven feeling. He licked his lips whenever he felt nervous.

"Fortunately, yes."

Her answer made his worries vanish in a second.

"So, I made the right decision, huh?"

Lee Yeon proudly smiled at her. After hearing her answer, he was more energetic and confident about killing Imoogi.

"But, please take care of yourself."

Y/N sincerely pleaded. Even though she knew Lee Yeon was going to be fine in the end, but she still couldn't see her friend getting hurt.

Lee Yeon stared at her face, which was written with worry, he approximately got her meaning.

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