The Patter Of Tiny Feet

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16 Weeks After (F/n)'s Unfortunate Death

[Kiryuin Manor] -- Night --

"Ryu... Ryuko! Ryuko!!"

The drifter was alarmed and awakened by her distressed sister who was completely naked in bed, body shivering in the air and curled over herself. Her shoulders shook with every harsh sob that cried out from her, and she didn't even turn to see Ryuko.

"Satsuki! What's wrong?!" Ryuko upon her knees in the bed beside her sister.

Satsuki lifted her head, staring at Ryuko with sorrowful eyes that were flooded with tears. As she leaned back slightly Ryuko could finally see what he had been curled over, her stomach. It was hugely distended, a round mass that filled the space of her lap and stretched the skin painfully thin. She could see how angry and red the skin looked, and the absolute anguish carved into Satsuki's face only made it more apparent how much she was suffering.

Ryuko didn't know what to do. She was frozen at the sight of Satsuki's frighteningly distorted shape. There were smears of blood dripping down her thighs, and it practically screamed the narrative of what was about to happen.

In complete frozen silence until, "AAAGHH!!" Satsuki doubled over again and screamed, fingers digging into the flesh of her belly as fresh tears slid down her face.

"P-please, help me..." Satsuki wheezed through deep breaths, her body swaying before Ryuko pushed herself forward to pull Satsuki's body to rest against her chest.

It was obvious from the way she immediately sagged against Ryuko that she was already exhausted, that she didn't even have the energy to keep herself upright anymore.

"I'm calling an ambulance," Ryuko said with a shaking voice, her hands trembled as she tried to reach over the nightstand to grab her phone, fumbling with it in her hand. "we have to get you to a hospital, and fast!"

"N-no! They mustn't know what it may be!" Satsuki cried again, hands still gripping tightly to her swollen belly as it quivered with every breath.

"Satsuki, we have to get you medical help!" Ryuko insisted this time, not willing to let Satsuki try and convince her otherwise. "Y'know, professionals who know how to do this!"

Satsuki writhes in Ryuko's hold again, hands clawing at the skin of her stomach like she's trying to tear the round mass right off her body.

"I-it hurts!!" She cries, body shaking with the effort it took to endure the pain.

"I'm here, Satsuki, it's okay." Ryuko tries to ease her, but she just pulls and tenses in her hold, curling around herself as tightly as she can.

"I can't... It's already..." Satsuki sobs weakly, pawing at Ryuko's chest pathetically.

"...coming out, now?" Ryuko asked, hoping that is not the case.

Satsuki can only whimper in response, head barely able to make the full nod pressed against Ryuko's chest.

Now seems like an appropriate time to panic. "Shit."


Ryuko didn't know the first thing about childbirth, and she knew even less about a possible Life Fiber Hybrid birth, but she felt like in the hours that had passed something should have happened by now. Everyone had come to the Manor; the Elite Four, Mikisugi, Mako, Iori, and Soroi had taken to rotating with each other to help take care of Satsuki, helping to keep her upright, holding her hand, petting back her sweaty hair, trying to keep up small conversations and say encouraging things, but still nothing happened.

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