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THE BUILDING WAS HUGE, yet magnificent. I ended up talking with Princess, who Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko met previously on their journey. She was sweet and very funny, anything she says can make you laugh. I also loved the crown she was wearing, which suited her very much.

I took a sip of the wine that Magna handed to us earlier, "Is it bad that I've never had wine before?"

"Holy crap, this is your first time?" Princess snickered, sipping hers and nudging me. 

I shrugged, "Sorta? I had a sip from a... friend's once at this place my first group went to for help. It was so gross at the time."

"Weak." Princess jokingly scoffed.

"I was eleven!" I laughed, placing my hand on my chest in honesty. "Besides, I'm a mother of one hyper ass kid. Ya' think I've had the time to try it again?" 

It earned a chuckle from Princess, who shrugged lightly, "If I had one then I'd name him Prince."

"Well ain't that surprisin'." I replied, putting the nearly empty glass back on the table we were standing next to, "Who'd you come with here anyway?" A grin appeared on Princess' face, she turned around slightly and discreetly nodded over to Mercer who was stuck talking to someone else. "No way-"

"Yes way."

"Holy crap-"

Princess sighed as if she had been holding it in, "I know right. I didn't even think I was gonna get in because of the stupid dress code."

"God, dress codes make me feel like I'm at school again." I rolled my eyes, "But you look amazin, how could they not let you in?"

"Oh shut up," Princess smiled, "you look great too! Where'd you get it?"

I looked down at my dress, feeling the sparkles shining in the light, "Leigh surprised me with it." I felt myself blushing at the thought. "It was so sweet, he-"

The feedback of the microphone cut me off. I looked over to the stage to see Hornsby standing there and waiting for everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention for a moment, please? It is my honor tonight to introduce someone who needs no introduction." He gestured to the side of him, "Our esteemed leader, the Governor of the Commonwealth, Ms. Pamela Milton!"

Princess and I clapped with everyone else as Pamela stood on the stage, wearing elegant clothing and a warm smile. "Thank you all for coming out this evening." She greeted and looked amongst the crowd, "Tonight, I have the great pleasure of giving you a sneak peek at something truly special."

Her assistant pulled down the red curtain to show a painting of a man, and everyone applauded again, "This is the work of the brilliant Alexa Park, who is here tonight. Don't be shy, Alexa." Pamela nodded at the woman who smiled shyly, "It took Ms. Park nine months to lovingly create this painting. Like many of our citizens, she sustained serious injuries out in the world before she found sanctuary at the Commonwealth. Thanks to my father's sacrifices, we are all here. Brick by brick and block by block, we're putting the world back together the way it was."

"Is this supposed to be a party, 'cause I'm bored as shit." I thought to myself, mentally rolling my eyes as I listened to her ramble.

"My father would be so proud to see what the Commonwealth is today. How much this place protects and cares for all its citizens." Pamela began, however a glass shattering from a nearby butler caught everyone off guard. 

"Bullshit! This is bullshit!" A man yelled, as he was dropping his plate, which made some glasses smash. 

"Sir, that's enough-" Pamela's assistant attempted, however she was also interupted.

✓𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧³ | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now