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LEIGH HELPED AARON AND ELIJAH PACK A FEW SUPPLIES OUTSIDE, considering the fact they were going to Oceanside, Alexandria and then Hilltop in order to fill everybody in on 'the plan'. The plan was made after Carol made a deal with Governor Milton, saying that Hornsby would take the fall for Sebastian's mistakes considering sacrificing innocent people for money in return for everybody to be able to leave The Commonwealth and return back home - wherever that was.

He muttered to himself as he did so, aiming his view at the ground. Others assumed he was on edge about the whole plan, although Maggie and Daryl knew that after their interaction with Leah he hadn't been himself. After the supplies had been loaded, he backed away for a few moments near the wall, as they still needed to wait for Jerry, Lilia and the kids to return.

Suddenly, someone came and stood beside him, leaning against the wall. "Hey, man." Elijah greeted quietly, who had noticed Leigh's vacant state since him, Daryl and Maggie had returned from Leah's encounter. "You good?"

Elijah knew he wasn't, but he was hoping his friend would be honest and tell him the truth without pushing too much. Leigh sharply inhaled, nodded a few times as if he was convincing himself, before looking at Elijah, "Yeah...Yeah I'm alright."

The other man tilted his head, sighing to himself as silence engulfed them for a few minutes, "I uh- heard about what happened back there...y'know with Leah." Leigh couldn't help but shuffle in his spot nervously, "And I'm just saying that... if you wanna talk 'bout it, then I'm here."

Leigh looked to the side, but not making eye contact with Elijah. Instead, he saw something else. Someone else. In the trees stood a figure. A figure with jet black hair and scratches down his face, fresh cuts and a bloody bite made in his neck. One eye looked vacant, staring into Leigh's soul, but the other flooded Leigh with familiarity. Leigh couldn't help, but stare.

He couldn't help but stare at the figure who was his brother

"Leigh?" Elijah asked, snapping him out of his trance.

His head snapped towards him, eyes full of surprise. He looked back at the treeline and saw nothing. No one was there. Leigh looked back at Elijah, "Thanks, but there's...there's nothing to talk about."

His friend nodded understandingly and stood up straight. He went to say something else, but both of them got distracted by more people coming over to their group. Jerry, Lilia and the kids were making their way over to them. Lilia was holding CJ's hand before the kid ran over to Daryl, who gave him a big hug. Leigh admired how Lilia smiled at the interaction before her eyes scanned the area and she saw him.

Lilia couldn't help but continue walking and dart over to the man she had also been so worried about. Leigh made his way over to her too and they crashed into a hug. His hand quickly went up to the back of her head, holding her close as her arms wrapped around his neck.

She let out a sigh of relief into the crook of his neck, before pulling away slightly, but his hands stayed on her hips. "You have no idea how worried I've been!" He smiled and pressed his lips against hers, making her blush, but also smiled as they broke, "I've definitely missed that."

Her hand made her way up to his forehead, noticing the faint cuts on his face. Lilia scrunched up her face, "Rough few days I'm guessin'." 

Leigh's eyes faltered for a split second, hoping that she wouldn't notice, but she did. His head shook at the memory of Leah's words, "Something like that. It doesn't matter though." 

She nodded faintly, telling herself that she'd ask later in private. Then she saw him look up so she turned around to see Daryl and CJ coming over. CJ grinned and ran over to them, arms wide as he crashed into Leigh, making the man laugh. Lilia went over to her dad as the two had their moment.

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