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"YOU CAN PUT HER DOWN HERE." Tomi, Yumiko's brother, who was a doctor, told us as created a space on the table where my dad placed Judith down. Judith was still unresponsive, and my worries got the better of me as I held my hand up to my mouth to stifle myself. Leigh rubbed his hand on my back and held me close as Tomi checked the girl's pupils, "She's in a fragile state. It's good you gave her blood. I'll do what I can."

"She'll- she's gonna be okay? Right?" I quipped.

"I'll do everything I can. Ezekiel, prep the IV." Tomi repeated to me as Ezekiel did as he said in order to help. I frantically watched the situation unfold in front of me. "We need to clear the room. We'll get you when she's stable."

At first I didn't hear what he said until Leigh gently moved me to the side and then out of the room. I inhaled sharply, walking over to the window whilst nervously biting my nails. I saw the situation outside, seeing the amount of soldiers guarding the large gates to keep the begging citizens out. It made me feel more sick than I already was.

I felt a hand touch mine carefully, "She's gonna be fine, Lils. That kid can power through anything." Leigh held me close and I leaned into his touch.

"I know.. I know.. I just can't stop thinkin' 'bout what's gonna happen next, y'know?" I slowly replied, continuing to stare out the window. "All these people, innocent people. They're all goin' through hell just 'cause of one bitchy woman with a high-ass ego." I stopped myself when I realised I was ranting. I sighed and looked at the ground, "Why do bad things always gotta happen to good people?"

Leigh cupped my cheeks and got me to look up at him, "We're gonna get through this, I know it. Pamela's gonna have it comin', same with the troopers who stand with her."

"I don't want anyone else to die, Leigh. There's been too much death already.. I-.." I continued, biting my bottom lip painfully again out of habit at this point. "These people just don't know when to stop fuckin' with us."

"There's my fiery girl," He grinned faintly for a moment, "No one else is gonna die, we won't let that happen. Especially you, I know how stubborn you can get."

I felt my lips tug upwards and I jokingly pushed his arm gently, "I'm not stubborn, I'm just- just.." Leigh raised a brow with a knowing smirk, "Shut up."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, lightly squeezing. "It's alright to admit that you're wrong." He innocently shrugged. I know that he's doing this to ease the worry off my shoulders, and a matter of fact, it was working since it made me chuckle a bit.

"I'm still gonna say that.. I told you so 'bout Pamela." I smirked, and he didn't respond. "I win!" I then grinned, wrapping my arms around his torso.

We stayed like that for a while until Ezekiel came over to inform us that Judith was stable and she was awake, then we both went back over to the room she was in. My dad and Carol were there talking to her until Judith noticed me.

"Lia?" Judith muttered.

I gave a small and thankful smile that she was okay, "How's it hangin', Jude?"

The girl hummed, "Being shot doesn't feel so good."

"Seems like you've gotten the Grimes' trademark. Gettin' shot." I lightly joked and I saw her lips curl up for a moment.

"Lia.. what I said about Mom and Dad..." She trailed off and I understood what she was talking about. 

"Is it true? Is he.. is he alive?" I slowly asked.

"It's why she never came back. Sorry I didn't tell you all before." Judith replied, her eyes flickering from mine and to my dad's. "Scared that you would leave, too."

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