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I WALKED PAST THE TRUCK THAT WAS PARKED OUTSIDE THE 'POLICE STATION', which was basically where the troopers held up until they got their assignment. I noticed Carol and Daryl talking, until Vickers, one of the colonels, spoke behind me.

"Perkins. You coming today?" She questioned, but it also felt like a demand. I've already gotten my armor on, so it wasn't like I had a choice. I gave her a nod, "Good." She replied, walking in front of me and asking the same to Daryl before going inside the building.

I was putting my gloves on when Carol and Daryl saw me, "Hey, Leigh?" Carol called me, and I lifted my head up and wandered over. "We're having dinner at noon at the Diner, you and Lilia wanna come?"

The offer was unexpected, but Lilia and I could spend some time out of the apartment away from our jobs. "Yeah of course. When I see her later I'll let her know, yeah?"

Carol gave me a warm smile, lightly shaking her head, "Don't worry about it, I'll go see her and let her know." She told me and I nodded in thanks. "See you both later." Carol said to both of us, before leaving. 

I watched her leave for a few seconds until I followed Daryl into the building. He picked up two donuts from a tray biting into one and giving the other to me whilst we walked over to the desk that Rosita was perched up on.

Rosita let out a chuckle when she saw us eating the donuts, making Daryl perk up, "What?" He asked, and she set her papers down so she could stand.

"Just you two are really living up to that stereotype." She smiled with an innocent shrug. But I continued to eat it with no problem, "I mean, I liked 'em before." Daryl shot back, splitting his in half and chucking her the other piece.

"Who the heck doesn't like these?" I also added before the door swung open and Vickers came walking in. 

She was slightly miserable at times and was very serious when it came to her job. "Good morning. Today's duty assignments are as follows... Douglas and Ross, Sector A. Lim and Baker, you're B. McHugh and Howell, take C. And Espinosa, Perkins and Dixon, I want you on Sector D." She announced, closing the file and looking up. "Any questions?" There was silence. "Alright, let's get to it."

Everyone started to get into their groups and get ready. It didn't take long for Daryl and Rosita to get ready, thankfully, but once they did we went straight outside. I was putting my helmet on as another trooper caught up to us, "Hey, a swarm has been spotted near the north perimeter. We've been assigned to check it out."

Rosita gave Daryl and I an odd look before looking back at the other trooper, "Vicker says we only work on patrol."

"Yeah, and now she wants to see what you can do outside the walls." The man replied, getting a little bit annoyed as we just stayed silent. "Your sector's covered, so let's go. Plus, there's three of you, so it's fine. Come on!"

We eventually followed the other troopers, who led us through a field. After Rosita questioned how much longer we realised we were nearly there. It wasn't that far away from the Commonwealth, but it was still tiresome. Once we saw the swarm my eyes widened since it covered a lot of land.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked, wondering how only five of us would get rid of this swarm. 

One trooper laughed, "There is no one else."

Rosita scoffed, rolling her eyes, "You want the five of us to take all that out?" 

Suddenly an annoying voice spoke up, belonging to Sebastian, "You aren't gonna take them out. You're gonna go through them."

✓𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧³ | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now