Obanais estate

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In the morning


I woke up early as usual and saw iguro was cuddled up in my arms, I remember hugging him last night but I hope he didn't suffocate on my chest. (me pls🥺)

"Iguro wake up." I let go of him and sat up, I looked to my left where iguro was before cuddling me and saw kubaramaru curled up on the pillow. I put my hand out to kubaramaru to pet him but he curled around my fingers and slid up my arm. his scaled felt super weird and cold against my skin, sorta like obanai. How cute.

Iguro still didn't wake up so I just left him there on the futon. I remember noticing a hot spring outside the house so I let the old lady know I'd be using it, she handed me some towels and let me be. I got undressed and slowly got into the hot spring. It was small, probably only enough for 3 people, but it was comfortable and hot. Once I was fully submerged into the water I lay my head back in the rocks and closed my eyes. I still felt kubaramaru on me, he was wrapped around my neck that was just above the water.

"Tomioka!" I heard iguro shout from inside the little house, he might be looking for kubaramaru. I should've told him that I had kubaramaru but he wouldn't wake up. I saw obanai run outside of the little house, he must of gotten dressed while I was out since he was in his corps uniform. "TOMIOKA! YOU COULD'VE ATLEAST TOLD ME YOU HAD KUBARAMARU!" He shouted at me when he spotted me, "sorry, I was going to but you were asleep!" He stormed to the hot spring where I was relaxing in and tried to pull kubaramaru off me. surprisingly, he didn't let go. "Damn snake, always messing with me" he scoffed as he tried to take him off me again. "Obanai! Are you trying to strangle me?!" I was currently being choked by obanai pulling onto kubaramaru who, as I mentioned, was wrapped around my neck.

"I don't care if I'm hurting you, ok?! Anything that happened last night meant absolutely nothing to me so don't go thinking that I care about your feelings now", "you could atleast stop choking me!" I smacked him off of me. I unwrapped kubaramaru off of my neck and let him slither onto obanais arm. "There, see how easy that was?" I sighed as I went back to relaxing in the hot spring.

"Fuck you, I hope you die." Obanai scoffed as he went back inside and did whatever he was doing.
Jeez, so childish. If only he acted more mature, maybe he'd be more of a likeable person. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do like him but if he wants mitsuri to like him back then he's got some maturing to do.

-20 minutes later-

I was relaxing in the hot spring as one does and was thinking about last night, did it really mean nothing to him? I think it would be better to just forget if happened but that's easier said then done. I could talk to kocho about it, though she'd probably just dismiss my feelings and mock me as per usual.

I heard footsteps walk towards the hot spring and just assumed it was the owner of the spring. "move up freak" oh, it was only iguro. I did as I was told and moved up alittle bit as he dipped his feet in the hot spring. "Jeez, this one's hot isn't it." He muttered before fully submerging himself in the water leaving only his head out the spring. Seeing as he was shorter then me, he wasn't able to see properly as the water was covering his face.

"Damn." Iguro sighed as he moved up a little to the taller rocks so he could actually breath. Maybe I could talk to him about last night, though he did say it meant nothing he was probably just saying that out of spite.

"When are you planning on going back to your estate?" I asked him, he bobbed his head up a bit and gave me a glance. "When im done with the hot spring. Why?" He responded back in his lispy voice. I moved a little closer to him and asked to join him at his estate as kocho would probably be looking for me at mine. "Whatever, just don't touch anything!" He rolled his eyes and laid back on the rocks. He let out one massive sigh and closed his eyes. I guess that was the end of that conversation. I did the same and let my thoughts drift away.

-3 hours later at obanais kawaii estate later <3-

Obanais pov:

I was walking to my estate and for some reason Tomioka was walking behind me, still checking out every flower on the path. For a massive doofus, he's kinda cute. Maybe I can ask tengen about it since he does have 3 wives. Yeh. Surely he can help me!

Once I arrived at my estate, I took my sandals off and placed them infront of the door. "Take your shoes off." I told Tomioka who was stood there dozing off. He snapped out of his trance and took off his shoes, he placed them infront of the door next to mine and walked in. I walked him into my room and sat him down. I told him not to move as I didn't want him to break anything. I placed kubaramaru on a little tree I had potted a few days ago, he loved to slither around fresh plants so I started gardening and looking after little tree saplings.

"Did you grow that?" He walked up to me and asked, "obviously, also what did I tell you about moving?! Sit back down!" I pointed to my futon where I sat him down earlier and snapped my fingers. It felt good to be in charge.

He did as was told and sat back down on the floor with his legs crossed and arms on his knees. "Why'd you want to even come here?" I asked him while watering the saplings. I was wondering if I could get to know you more. If that's ok with you?" He said, avoiding eye contact and looking at the celling.

"No its not ok with me, why would I want to get to know someone like You?" I felt great saying that, made me feel important. "Oh right.. il just leave then" Tomioka responded with a frown on his face, he looked at the floor and sulked off towards the door.

"Oi! Where'd you think you're going! I told you to stay on the floor! You ain't leavin till I'm done accommodating you." I dragged his haori back on the floor and he sat back down. I don't know why I didn't let him leave but it's been a while since I've had guests so.

"When I'm done with these plants then im going to cook you some food and yo ass better eat it all!" I snapped at him. I only had rice, seaweed and I think some noodles, il have to go check.

"Calm down, why are you so moody" Tomioka rolled his eyes and started playing with his hair out of boredom. "Don't call me moody! You're the one who can't control himself when he's in bed with another man" I set down the water and fluffed up the leaves of the mini tree.

"I thought we were going to forget about that.." he covered his face with his hair and blushed red. Gah, how could I be so mean to such a cute guy. "You're right, sorry" I went into the kitchen to cook some rice for Tomioka since I wasn't hungry and he hasn't eaten much today.


Mwah, love yal.

Fun fact: obanai has a tattoo that resembles his DSM on his arm

Fun fact: obanai has a tattoo that resembles his DSM on his arm

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