The district mwahaha

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Ok so, 3k! Wowie ❤️

Now onto the story, I was lazy with the district idea but whatever

I leaped forward towards the little girl and grabbed her into my arms, I placed her over my shoulder and ran down the stairs. The little girl was crying so I tried to find uzui who was probably looking for me. I mean, his mice probably told him that I spotted the demon. "UZUI!" I shouted while running out the house. I saw his shadow sat above one of the roofs of the district so I called his name again.

I saw him turn his head to face me and he jumped down. "You found something?" He asked as I handed him the child that I was carrying. "Yeh, the demon is an ugly women." I huffed. running wasn't really a problem for me but when it comes to running down the stairs, I can hardly breathe afterwards. "What's up with the kid?" He looks at the child he was now carrying confusingly while raising an eyebrow, "just find a safe place to keep them, somewhere far from here."

He did as he was told and ran off quickly. I may be fast but jeez, tengen was like a bullet train..
I was still outside the house when I heard some footsteps walk down the stairs. It was probably the demon so I grabbed onto my sword tightly waiting for her. "Fast one Ay? No problem, il just cut off your legs hehe" her silhouette slowly revealed itself and she looked different. Her appearance was more demon like and her eyes had a certain kanji on them. "Jeez, couldn't you atleast put some clothes on?" I looked down at the ground as to not look at her clearly revealing clothing, I wouldn't want to be "unfaithful".

"Do clothes really matter in a battle of life or death? You really are pathetic" she laughed away before she unveiled a bunch of ribbons which I can only presume emerged from her back. "Oh shut up already, you're making my ears want to curl up and fade from existence" I look back at her and made direct eye contact. Upper rank 6. Shouldn't be to hard with 2 hashira around but I still need to be weary. Speaking of others, where is the boar and the kamado? Are they dead? Or maybe they're still doing their job.. Crap, I can't let the kamado die! Stay focused, deal with the demon then you can panic about the kamado.

"What's with the harsh tone? You should be lucky that a rat like you is even able to hear my beautiful voice, let alone be in my presence" she chuckled and sent two of her obi ribbons towards my direction at quite high speeds. I dodge them with ease but due to the kimono I tripped and fell onto my knees. I loosened up my kimono and used serpent breathing first form; winding serpent which allows me to dodge most attacks coming towards me and still being able to deliver a fatal blow.

I cut off the head of the demon easily but due to her being directly infront of a wall I managed to bang my head on the wall instead of landing. I fell over again but was caught by tengen who was already back with the 3 boys. "Well that was quick Ay?" He laughs and picks me up again. "Put me down! I still haven't confirmed the demons death!" I swung my leg back, kicking tengens chest resulting in me being put down.

"No fair! You didn't warn me first!" The demon screamed out and wailed. this was quite abnormal, shouldn't she be disintegrating by now? "Quit whining, you've lost so deal with it" tengen kicked the decapitated demon and wandered off. Zenitsu and the kamado stayed behind but the boar headed kid ran off behind tengen. "Gah! Surely it should've disintegrated by now!" The blonde boy screamed and clung onto tanjiro.

I noticed something emerge from the demon womens back, a weird tumor looking thing. It took me a second to notice the head popping out of the tumor but I managed to quickly cut it off before it fully emerged. "Fuck!" The weird green haired head rolled onto the floor and started to disintegrate. Since there was ash flowing everywhere, I assumed it was over so I walked away in tengens direction. I heard a little scream from one of the boys, I think the kamado. I stopped and looked back to see the half disintegrated body of the emerged demon, there was weird blood circles spinning around his arms.

Then, nothing.
Everything went blank and I collapsed onto the floor.

(OooooOooOoOooOooO 1 hour later)
Giyuus pov:

I got a letter from the kakushi that tanjiro was injured in a sudden explosion! I, along side the kakushi, traveled towards the location of the accident to recover the injured boys when I noticed Tengen holding obanai while walking away from the collapsed boys. Obanai had a torn kimono on and a few scratches but was awake and fine. His mask seemed to be still on his face so that was also a plus. I brought along kubaramaru as to keep an eye on him but now that I know obanai was ok I ran up to him and tengen to hand kubaramaru back.

Tengen and obanai glanced at me as I ran towards them, "oh my iguro, it's your lucky day. Your husband has come to save you" Tengen laughed at obanai and put him down on the floor causing him to collapse. Seems his legs are pretty injured. "Whoops, forgot you couldn't walk." He continued laughing. "The mission still ain't over yet remember. You still need to find your wives" iguro muttered while lifting his head of the floor. "Already did, while I was dropping off that kid of yours I found the red and the blue one fighting some weird worm. Turns out my wives were with them too!" Tengen picked obanai back up onto his legs and passed him to me. "Right! The kid! Can you send the kakushi to retrieve her?" Iguro shouted at tengen who finally stopped laughing at himself.

"Meh, whatever sure." Tengen then ran off towards where the kakushi were and had a chat with him. Now it was just me and iguro. "Never thought you'd look so cute in a kimono" I joked which made iguro a bit displeased. "If My legs didn't hurt I would've kicked you to death!" He hissed. I saw kubaramaru slither up his neck into his usual position and nuzzled my head.

"Anyways, who's this kid you were on about.?" I questioned iguro who was trying to stand up on his own, "she's some random kid who thinks I'm her mother. Felt bad for her so I'm just gonna pretend for a while" he sighed as he fell back into my arms. "Falling for me again I see?" I giggled and felt a punch on my shoulder. "Shut up, you aren't funny" obanai said while punching me again and again. "Sorry" i stopped laughed and picked him up. "Ugh! Just cuz I can't walk doesn't mean you guys have to pick me up you know!" Obanai scoffed and pinched my ear. "I mean, how else are you gonna get around.?" I walked over to the boys who were a bit scuffed, except for the boar, he was fine.

"Giyuu!" I saw tanjiro run up to me with his sister still in the box. "Hey tanjiro" I embraced him into a hug but it was a bit difficult as I was still holding onto iguro. "Glad you're safe" I gave kamado a pat on his head and backed away, "yeh! thanks to iguro, he basically decapitated both demons!" Tanjiro looked at iguro with stars in his eyes. "2 demons? No wonder he's so injured" I muttered, "well it was upper moon 6 but it seemed that it was 2 demons inside 1 body" zenitsu added on. "Hm, only upper 6?" I said, obviously I was joking but obanai looked pissed. "Oi! You've never even defeated an upper rank, let alone see one!" He gave me another weak punch before retracting his fist and wincing while flicking his hand.

"I'm joking you know." I flicked his forehead and he pinched me again. "Dude, are you guys like.. gay.?" The blonde guy said which earned him a rightful slap on the face from tanjiro. "You can't just ask someone that!" Tanjiro scolded zenitsu. "What's a gay? Is it a weapon? Can I eat it?" The boar crackled like a witch, "I mean, you can eat it if you get what I mean" zenitsu smirked, "ZENITSU!" Tanjiro shouted and gave him another smack.

"Well, seems you three are relatively unharmed.. tanjiro, would you like to come home with me and iguro?" I offered and tanjiro agreed happily. "Hey! I never agreed to coming over!" Obanai shouted and pulled my hair, "if you keep hurting me then Il drop you!" I smacked obanais hand off my head and walked off towards the nearest station with tanjiro following behind me, "seems you're talking more" tanjiro said with a bright smile on his face.. "Yeh, I guess I am" I smiled back, well, tried. I think it looked more like an evil grin.

If yal didn't get it, zenitsu made a "dirty joke" 💀🙏

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