1 Luck

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Y/n = Your name


I sat between Jack and Fabrizio, Jack's friend. They were both playing poker with two Swedish men.
Now I'm quite good at poker myself but it's not my favourite thing and often I get bored fast, but not this game because my eyes were glued to the three pieces of paper that lay with all of our money, a knife and a pocket watch all in a pile in the centre of the wooden table. The three little pieces of paper could change our lives forever because they were tickets, for none other than the R.M.S Titanic.

"All right." I looked up at Jack as he spoke. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and looked up. "Moment of truth. Somebody's life is about to change. Brizio?"

Brizio lay his cards face up on the table.

"Niente." Jack said looking at the cards.

"Niente." Brizio repeated.

"Olaf?" Jack asked the man sitting across from him. "Nothing." Jack said as Olaf revealed his cards. The Jack turned to Sven. "Sven?"

The man placed his cards down in front of Jack. He sat back in his chair and sighed at the cards.

"Two pair." Jack shook his head and turned towards Brizio. "I'm sorry, Fabrizio."

"Che sorry, ma vaffanculo! Did you bet all are money?" Brizio raised his voice in panic.

"I'm sorry, you're not going to see your Mom again for a long time." Jack said in a calm voice and Brizio went quiet as a smile spread across my lips. "Cause we're going to America. Full house, boys! Woooh!"Jack yelled as he slammed his cards on the table.
Brizio and I laughed and yelled in joy.
Brizio grabbed the tickets and waved them in the air as he screamed.
I turned my eyes back to Jack as he leaned forward onto the table to collect the money. Suddenly Olaf stood up grabbing Jack by his shirt and he yelled angrily at him in Swedish. Watched as the man raised his fist about to punch Jack in the face, but instead Olaf turned around and his fist slammed into Sven's face knocking him out of his chair and to the ground.
Jack turned to us with a smile on his face as he laughed.

"Come on!" Jack yelled and Brizio handed the tickets to him and Jack kissed them. "We're going home!" Jack pulled me into a hug.

"We're going home." I repeated through laughter.

"I go to America!" Brizio cheered.

"No, mate." An old man's voice interrupted our celebration. We all turned to look at him. "Titanic go to America, in five minutes." The man announced as he pointed to a clock behind him.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Fabri. Come on. Come on, here." Jack said as he quickly opened up a bag and Brizio and I frantically pushed all the money into the bag.

We ran through the crowds of people as we desperately rushed towards the entrance of the ship.

"We're riding in high style now. We're a couple of regular swells. We're practically goddamn royalty,
(Y/n), ragazzo mio." Jack yelled as we ran.

"You see? Is my destino. Like I told you, I go to America to be a millionaire." Brizio yelled behind me. "You are pazzo."

"Maybe, but I've got the tickets." Jack yelled back.

"I thought you were fast." I yelled to Brizio with a smile on my face.

"Aspetta!" Brizio yelled back.

"Wait! Hey! Wait! We're passengers! Passengers!" Jack yelled as we finally made it to the bridge and we ran across just as they were pulling it back. We ran to the door and Jack pulled out the tickets handing them to the man that stood at the door.

"Have you been through the inspection queue?" The man asked.

"Of course." Jack lied. "Anyway, we don't have any lice. We're Americans, all of us."

"Right. Come aboard." The man agreed and Jack, I and Brizio jumped across and right aboard the Titanic.

We ran through the crowded hall.

"We're the luckiest Sons of bitches in the world. You know that?" Jack yelled.

We ran above deck and found a clear spot on the railing and Jack and I started waving as the ship started to leave the port.

"Goodbye!" We yelled as we waved at no one in particular.

"You know somebody?" Brizio asked us.

"Of course not. That's not the point." Jack told him as he went back to waving.

"Goodbye. I'll miss you." I yelled.

"Goodbye!" Brizio joined in. "I will never forget you!"

"Goodbye!" We yelled.

When the Titanic left we made our way back down below deck and to third class.

"G-60." Jack repeated as we searched for our room.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Jack said as he passed someone and continued to look at the fresh white painted doors. "Right here." Jack said as he turned the handle to a door and we made our way inside.

Considering that the tickets were bought by a man and were meant for three men, meant I would have to be sharing with the boys.

"How you doing? Jack. Nice to meet you." Jack introduced as he shook hands with the one other passengers we would be sharing with.

I quickly climbed into the unoccupied top bunk right before Brizio was able to throw his backpack onto it to claim it for himself. Brizio sighed and climbed up the other bed as the guy was sitting on the bottom bunk of that bed.
Jack turned around after shaking the man's hand and looking up at me as I smiled at him.

"Who says you get top bunk?" Jack said then threw his bag on the bunk underneath me.

I remove my own bag then I smile at the man that was looking at me with a confused expression.

"(Y/n) Dawson." I smile and give no further explanation.
I give a quick look around the small white room. There were two bunk beds, one window that provided most of the light and a wooden vanity that was attached to the wall and a little empty desk below the window.
I lay back in the bed and started at the white ceiling. I didn't even know that I was tired but I must have been because not long after I fell asleep.

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