2 First Meeting

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The next afternoon Jack, Brizio and I ran to the bow of the ship and leaned over watching the water below. The cool wind blew through my hair as I looked out on the open sea ahead.

"Hay! Look! Look, look." Jack yelled as he looked down at pointed.
I instantly looked down and saw a dolphin swimming just in front of the ship.

"See it?" Jack asked excitedly.

"Look! There's another one." I say as more dolphins arrive and start to jump.

"Look at that one! Look at him jump!" Jack pointed as a dolphin leapt up out of the water.
I smiled at Jack as we watched the dolphins.

Jack steps up to stand on the first bar of the railing and held onto a rope.

"I can see the Statue of Liberty already." Brizio pointed. "Very small, of course." He added, and I laughed.

"I'm the King of the world!" Jack yelled as he let go of the rope and held his arms up. "Woooh!" Jack yelled and Brizio and I joined in.

Later on in the day I sat on a bench as I watched Jack draw a Father and Daughter. I was deep in thought pondering over an idea that I have been thinking about for some time now. What was it like to be in first class? What did it look like? I finally made up my mind, I was going to 'borrow' a dress from one of the first class passengers. All I needed to do was tell Jack.

I was then brought out of my thoughts as I heard a man standing in front of me.

"Well, that's typical. First-class dogs come down here to take a shit." He said with an Irish accent.

"Let's us know where we rank in the scheme of things." Jack said.

"Like we could forget." I added.

"I'm Tommy Rayan." He lent forward and shook our hands.

"Jack Dawson." Jack smiled.

"(Y/n) Dawson." I smiled as Tommy shook my hand, he looked back at Jack. "His sister." I tell him, he smiles then shakes Brizio.

"Fabrizio." He smiled and Tommy took the cigarette out from his mouth.

"Do you make any money with your drawings?" Tommy asked Jack.

But Jack didn't respond he was focused on something or someone else. I followed his eyes and saw a first class girl with curly red hair standing at the railing.

"Forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out of your arse as get next to the likes of her." Tommy said but Jack still didn't respond as he was too lost in the girl.

Later on when it was only Jack and I, I decided to tell him what I was planning on doing.

"Jack?" I ask and he turns towards me, removing the cigarette from his mouth. "Tonight I'm going to go to first class."

He gave me a questioning look. "(Y/n)?"

"I'm going to borrow a first class dress, I just want to know what it's like." I explain to him.

Jack smiled and put the cigarette back in his mouth. "I don't think I could stop you."

I smile and stand up.

"Have fun." He yells as I run off.

I sneak onto first class, I wander the halls hiding from any passengers until I finally come across a door that seemed empty. I opened the door and my mouth fell open, the room was ginormous, and even the walls were fancy. There was a fireplace with a mirror on top and a fancy clock, there was also a couch, chair, and a chandelier. Once I finally shook myself out of the beauty of the room I made my way to the bedroom. I made my way to the closet and by a miracle the dresses that I found were just about my size. Trying not to mess too much up, I found a dress that I liked and after some struggles I managed to get it on properly. Lastly I did my hair then left the room.

I walked through the halls and made my way to the dining room, meeting a couple of people along the way and they greeted me as one of them. As I stepped in it felt like everyones eyes were on my, I could feel the the sweat dripping down my face. I've made a mistake. I'm going to get caught and ruin everything. I stepped backwards out of the room but just as I turned around to run off I slammed into someone causing us to fall on the floor with the man on top of me. I looked up to see a boy that looked to only be about one year old that myself , and he was quite handsome. He had dirty blonde hair but not the same as Jack's and hazel eyes. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks as we looked at each other in silence.
Eventually the boy realized that we were like that for quite some time so he got up to his feet and then outstretched his hand pulling me up.

"I'm truly sorry, I didn't see you." I apologize.

"No, I should have been watching where I was going." The boy said.
I smile and start to walk off but before I can I feel someone grab my arm and pull me back.

"You're not meant to be here are you?" He asked lowering his voice so only I could hear.

"I am sorry?" I say trying to act offended.

"Don't lie. I can see the panic in your eyes." He said with his voice still low.

I sigh. "Okay, yes, but please don't tell anyone, and I'll be off like I was never here."

"I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I don't exactly want you to leave." He smiled in a kind way.

"I'm sorry?" I question not quite understanding his request.

"Would you join me for dinner?" He offered.

"But I don't even know who you are?" I ask.

"Henry, Astor." He held out his hand for me to take it.

"(Y/n), Dawson." I then take his hand and we walk inside. And just like that all my worries seemed to disappear.

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