3 Dinner

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We talked and laughed for hours. During our time I noticed a man staring at us with not a very happy look.

"Who's that man?" I ask Henry.
He looks at the man then turns back towards me and smiles.

"That would be my Father." Henry said.

"He doesn't look too pleased." I say as I look away from the man and back at Henry.

"He's not." Henry smiles and then laughs.

We talk for a while longer till I realize the time. I stand up from the table and Henry does the same.
I smile at him then I grab his hand and run off pulling him along.

"Hay. Where are we going?" Henry asked as he struggled to keep up.

I don't say anything and just kept on running till we were above deck and under the starry night sky. With one hand I let my hair fall loose as I look up at the stars and Henry smiles at me.

"Will I see you tomorrow night?" Henry asks me as he looks up still holding my hand.

"I've got nothing better to do." I say as I look away from the sky and smile at him.
He looks back at me.

He slowly releases my hand and walks off with a smile. "See you tomorrow!" He yells.

I smile then I run off to my room excited for the next day.
When I entered the small dark room I was too tired to notice that Jack wasn't in his bed and I fell asleep with a smile on my face completely forgetting that I still had the first class dress on.

In the morning I waited for boys to leave before I changed out of the dress and into my regular clothes. Dresses weren't always my favourite thing to wear so I sometimes wore pants and a shirt. But today I decided a dress would do so I quickly changed into one and left the room to find Jack.

When I found Jack he was talking with the red haired girl he was staring at the other day. I smile at the two of them and walk away leaving them be.
I walk around for a bit till I stop in my tracks where I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see Henry standing behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Henry.

"I got bored so I came to see you." He smiled.

We walk and talk together, getting a couple looks from the other third class passengers as we walked past them.

We were only interrupted by a loud trumpet that was announcing dinner.
Henry turned to me and my hand a kiss.

"I'll see you there." He said.

"I don't know where else I'd be." I smile.

When we parted I quickly ran down to my room to change back into the first class dress. Then I calmly made my way to the same room I originally got the dress from. I chose another dress and nicely placed my old one back making it look like it was always there.
I made my way over to the stairs. The moment I saw Henry I wanted to run into his arms but I kept myself calm and walked down the stairs to him.

"My Father would like to meet you." Henry told me as he lead me down more stairs.

"What? Henry I can't." I objected.

"Don't worry I'll do the talking." Henry reassured me as he lead me towards his Father.


Jack POV

"There's the Countess of Rothes." Rose whispered to me as she turned slightly to point at a well dressed man. "And that's John Jacob Astor the richest man on the ship. His little wifey there, Madeleine, is my age, and in a delicate condition. See how she's trying to hide it? Quite the scandal. And that over there is Astor's Son, Henry, he's from another woman, and that with him is... oh, I don't know who she is." Rose said.
I looked at the young boy then at the girl he was standing with, a girl I knew too well. A smile spread across my face at the sight of her.

     "That's my Sister." I told Rose. She looked at me then back at the pare.



I stood beside Henry as he was beside his Father.

   "Hey, Astor." I heard a woman call as she walked over to us with a well dressed boy that I recognized as my Brother Jack I and a red haired girl. They stopped in front of us.

    "Hello, Molly, nice to see you." Henry's Father said to the woman that called him.

   "J.J., Madeleine, Henry, I'd like you to meet Jack Dawson." The redhead introduced Jack. Then she turned to me. "I don't believe we've met."

    "No, I'm (Y/n) Dawson." I held out my hand and she shook it.

     "Rose DeWitt Bukater." The girl smiled.

J.J. Looked over at me.

    "He's my brother." I inform him.

    "How do you do?" Madeleine said and gently shook Jack's hand.

    "Pleasure." Jack smiled.

    "Well, Jack... are you of the Boston Dawsons?" J.J. Asked Jack and he turned towards me as well.

    "No, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons, actually." Jack told him.

"Oh, yes." J.J. Said.

I sat at a table where I was between Jack and Henry.

Everyone treated like we were part of the club, obviously they thought we were. Except for this older red haired woman witch I learned to be Rose's Mother also known as Ruth, but I doubt she'd like me to call her that out loud, and a man called Cal.

"Tell us of the accommodations in steerage, Mr. Dawson. I hear they're quite good on this ship." Ruth asked.

"The best I've seen, ma'ma. Hardly any rats." At Jack's comment the table broke into a sophisticated laugh.

"Mr. Dawson is joining us from the third class. He was of some assistance to my fiancé last night." Cal said. "Are you from third class as well, (Y/n)?" Cal asked me.

"Yes I am." I tell him with a smile.

"It turns out that Mr. Dawson is quite a fine artist." Rose said. "He was kind enough to show me some of his work today."

"Rose and I differ somewhat in our definition of fine art." Cal said. "Not to impugn your work, Sir."

I smile then look down at my plate. Why are there so many utensils. Henry must have been able to tell I was panicking because he lent over and whispered in my ear.
"Don't worry, just do what I do alright." I nodded.

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