4 A Real Party

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"And where exactly do you both live, Mr. Dawson?" Ruth asked.

"Well right now, are address is the RMS Titanic. After that, we're on God's good humor." Jack told her.

"And how is it you have means to travel?" She asked.

"We work are way from place to place. You know, tramp steamers and such. But we won our tickets on the Titanic here at a lucky hand at poker." Jack explained.

"A very lucky hand." I add.

    "All life is a game of luck." An old man named Archie said.

    "A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson?" Cal said turning to Jack.
Jack smiled in agreement.

   "And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?" Ruth asked Jack.
I turned to Molly, and I could see how angry that comment made her.

    "Well yes, ma'am, I do. I mean, I've got everything I need right here with me. I got the air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper." Jack turned and smiled at me. "I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen... or who I'm gonna meet..." Jack looked to Rose. "Or where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge, and now... here I am on the grandest ship in the world... having champagne with you fine people." Jack held his glass up to be filled. "I'll take some more of that. I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it." Jack took a small sip. "You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. Here you go, Cal." Jack said as he tossed Cal a lighter noticing that Cal was looking for one so he could light his cigarette. "To make each day count." Jack finished.

    "Well said, Jack." Molly said.

"Hear, hear." Archie called.

"To making it count." Rose said as she held up her glass.

"To making it count." Henry and I said as we raised our glasses.

"To making it count." Everyone else said.
Jack nodded as he held up his glass and then we all brought them to our lips.

The night went on and I began to get bored, all their chatter and laughter got mixed up in my brain.

"Next it'll be brandies in the smoking room." I heard Rose whisper to Jack.

"Well, join me in a brandy, gentlemen?" Archie asked as he stood up from the table.

"What a good idea." Another man agreed.

"Now they retreat into a cloud of smoke and congratulate each other... on being masters of the universe." Rose added making me smile.

"Ladies, thank you for the pleasure of your company." Henry's father said as he stood up with the rest of the men at the table. I looked to Jack as he stood up.

"Joining us, Dawson, Henry? Well, you don't want to stay out here with the woman, do you?" Archie asked as Henry stood up.

"No, thanks, I've got to be heading back." Jack declined.

"Probably best." Cal said.
Archie then turned to Henry.

"I'll be walking (Y/n) back now." Henry said and I stood up from the table.

We walked out together as a smile spread across my lips.

"Henry? Would you like to have some fun?" I asked him.

"By that you mean?" He asked.

And the next thing I know we were in a crowd lower level as people from third class were dancing to folk music and drinking. I was dancing as Henry was sitting down with a drink watching me. I walked over to him and pulled his black jacket off and let my hair fall lose then I threw off my fancy first class shoes before I pulled him up and over to me.

"(Y/n), I can't." He objected.

"Of course you can." I smile. "Just relax."

He put one hand on my waist and I held the other one as I put my free hand on his shoulder and we started to move to the ruthenium of the music.

During our dancing I catch a glimpse of Jack and Rose dancing together as well. I turn back to Henry laughing.

I stop spinning but I keep holding of Henry's hand as I pull him up on a large wooden table. I smile as I see Jack standing across from me. I watch as Jack starts to tap his feet on the table to the music.
Rose smiled and removed her shoes handing them to an elderly woman. She lifted up her dress and copied the way Jack just danced as he watched.
I smiled at Henry as I lifted my dress and did the same thing only more complicated.
Soon all four of us were tapping our feet and spinning around as the people cheered us on.

The Henry and I interlocked our elbows and started spinning, changing directions every time we switched elbows, soon Rose and Jack were doing the same.
Then we turned to face each other crossing our arms and tightly holding on each other's hands as we started to spin faster and faster, Jack and Rose did the same. Henry and I started to yell with joy the faster we spun.
Suddenly Henry tripped on his foot and we went flying off the table and crashing to the ground with Henry landing on top of me. The moment he rolled off we broke into genuine laughter.
He stood up and pulled me off the ground. Right beside us there was a table where Tommy and another man were arm wrestling with other men cheering them on. I looked to my other side and saw Jack standing beside me as he reached around the man that was wrestling Tommy and grabbed two drinks, one for him and one for Rose.
I watched the two men wrestle and soon there was a loud bang against the wood as Tommy slammed the other man's hand to the table.

    "So..." I yell, catching Henry's, Jack's, Rose's, Tommy's and the men around the tables attention. Rose lent over taking the cigarette out of Tommy's mouth and having a smoke herself.
"You think you're big tough men?" I gesture for the man sitting across from Tommy to move. He stood up and I took his spot across from Tommy.
I pick up a full glass and drink the whole thing I put the empty glass down, and then placing my elbow on the table.
Tommy gave me a questioning look before gripping my hand. "Don't go easy." I say before we start the match.
At first Tommy seemed calm but that quickly changed as he struggled to move my arm at all. I give him a smile then I slam his hand into the table. Shocked, surprised and amazed looks were on all of the men's faces. I looked to Jack as a smirk appeared on his face.
The men soon erupted into laughter.
I got up from the table grabbing two more glasses, passing one to Henry then I turned to Rose.

    "Rose, your turn." I smile.
She places her almost empty drink on the table.

    "Let's see you do this." Rose said stepping back. She bent over picking up the bottom of her dress and held it out for Jack to take it. "Hold this for me, Jack. Hold it up." She instructed. Jack held up the dress.
Everyone at the table focused on Roses as she closed her eyes and started to rise up, holding her arms gracefully in front of her. Her arms rose above her head as she balanced on her two big toes. The men watched in amazement as she balanced like that for a good minute.

    "Oww!" She cried out and fell into Jacks arms before she started to laugh.

I quickly finished my drink then took the almond empty one out of Henry's hand. I placed the glasses down and smiled at him. Just as he was about to say something I am knocked into him and are lips touch and we both kiss each other as a new song starts playing. I step back and smile at him as a line of people holding hands start to pass us Jack grabs my hand and I grab Henry's and we weave through the clapping people.

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