6 Iceberg

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Henry and I run through the halls and soon arrive at his room. Before I entered, Henry made sure his Father wasn't there, then he pulled me inside.

The next thing I know I'm laying naked in Henry's arms, the both of us painting and drenched in sweat on his bed. I looked deep into his eyes as we lay there in silence, the only sound was the beating of our hearts and our own breath. I could find no words that described how I felt at that moment but I knew that I never wanted this moment to end.

After some time we both got up and pulled on our clothes.
We crawled back into the bed and talked, about nothing in particular, as I lay my head on his chest.

Suddenly we both sat up with a jolt at the sound of the door opening.

    "Shit." I mutter.

     "Henry? Henry? Are you in here?" We heard Henry's Father call.

I look at Henry in panic.
He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed as footsteps grew closer. Henry led me through a couple doors until we were back in the hallway.

    "Henry!" J.J. Yelled.

Henry and I started running. It didn't take long for us to lose his Father but we still ran out above deck laughing. The night was cold and dark, but it was clear and the stars were brilliant in the moonless night.
I turn to look at Henry.

    "When the ship docks. I'm staying with you, wherever you decide to go." I smile.

    "Are you sure?" Henry asks.

    "Yes. I know we're young but I love you. And I want to be with you forever." I smile.

"I love you. And I'll go wherever you go." Henry smiles and we pull into a kiss.

Suddenly the ship starts to shake braking up our kiss.

"Henry what's going on?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure." Henry says.
I look forward and my eyes widen as a giant iceberg passes the front of the ship. Without thinking I run forward with Henry not far behind.

As I get closer I notice that chunks of ice lay scattered on the deck, I also spot Jack and Rose looking at the ice.

"Jack!" I call, which caught his attention and I run over to them. "What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know. I think we hit an iceberg." Jack said.

Soon the four of us made our way up some stairs, as we get to the top we are passed by a group of men including the Captain and Mr. Andrews among a couple others.

"Boiler room 6 is flooded 8 feet above the plate...and the mail hold is worse. She's all buckled in..."

"Can you shore up?"

"Not unless the pumps get ahead."

"Have you seen the damage in the mail hold?"

"No, she's already underwater."

Is what I overheard the men say as they passed by us.

"This is bad." Jack realized.

"We should tell Mother and Cal." Rose suggested.

Henry and I agreed and we made our way back in the ship. Following Rose and Jack back to Rose's room.

"We've been looking for you, Miss." An old man called Mr. Lovejoy said as we approached the hall.

I watched as he walked close behind Jack, but thought nothing of it, as walked the rest of the way to Rose's room Henry and I hand in hand. As we entered the very fancy room, I didn't focus on the room to much though because I could tell something other than the iceberg was wrong. I gave a quick look around the room and the people in it. There was Rose's Mother, Cal and now Mr. Lovejoy but that wasn't all because I also recognized the Master-at-arms and a couple Officers standing inside the room as well.

"Something serious has happened." Rose started.

"Yes, it has." Cal interrupted. "Indeed. Two things dear to me have disappeared this evening. Now that one is back, I have a pretty good idea where to find the other. Search him." Cal ordered as he looked at Jack.

"Take your coat off, Son." Said one of the two officers that walked over to Jack and forcefully removed his coat. The coat that I knew he 'borrowed'.

"Now what?" Jack said annoyed.

"Cal, what are you doing? We're in the middle of an emergency." Rose said.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Is this it?" One of the officers asked as they pull out a silver necklace with a big blue diamond, out of one of Jack's coat pocket.

"That's it." Cal said taking the necklace from the officer.

"This is horseshit!" Jack yelled. "Don't you believe it, Rose. Don't!"

"He couldn't have." Rose said.

"Of course he could." Cal told her.

"No! This is absurd!" I yelled.

"Lovejoy can you please escort Miss. Dawson and Mr. Astor out of the door." Cal asked.

     "No! Jack has done nothing wrong!" I yell.

    "Of course Sir." Lovejoy agreed, ignoring me.

    "No need we'll be going now." Henry said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room before Lovejoy could lay a hand on us.

    "Henry, Jack would never." I insist raising my voice.

   "I know. I know. But we need to warn my Father then we can help Jack." Henry told me.

    "Alright." I sigh.
I could tell that Henry was worried about his Father and wanted to warn him so I agreed and we run off to Henry's room.

    "Father! Father!" Henry called but we heard no response.
We ran through Henry's empty room as he continued to call but no response came.

    "He's not here." I say but Henry didn't stop calling hopping that his Father was not far off. "Henry stop!" I yell and he immediately turned to face me.
    "It's no use he's not here. Now, Henry, please. I'm going to find Jack with or without your help." I tell him.

Henry looked at me for a moment before he spoke "Fine." He agreed.

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