7 The Ship Will Sink

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We make our way out of Henry's room and into the hallway. We watch as everyone was being told to leave their room, dress warm and to put on their lifebelts, at that moment I truly realized that the ship would sink even though none of the staff was necessarily saying anything about it I could see the worry behind their eyes.

It made sense, the iceberg, the panic in the Captain's and the other men's voices as they passed us and now we're being ordered to leave our rooms and put on our lifebelts, it was the truth, The Titanic will sink.

I turned towards Henry.

    "Henry, Henry listen to me." I insist unable to hide the panic in my voice. Henry looks at me worried.

    "(Y/n)?" Henry starts.

    "The ship.. The ship, it's going to sink. Please I need to find Jack." I tell him.

    "Come on." Henry said as we started to walk the opposite way the passengers were being ordered.

"Excuse, but it is the orders of the Captain that you are to put on your lifebelts and..." A man carrying a couple lifebelts started as he blocked our way.

"Yes I know but could you just let us past." I plead.

"I'm sorry Miss but I cannot do that now if you both would please." The man said.

We tried to push past the staff but he wouldn't let us past and insisted we join the other passengers.
Henry could tell that this man wasn't going to let us past but that didn't stop me from trying.
After I tried to forcefully push my way past the man had enough and roughly grabbed my wrist and started to pull me forward and I yelled for him to let go. I only yelled twice screaming for the man to release me but he only ignored me as if I was saying nothing at all, and kept a tight grip on my wrist. I look to Henry and I saw is fist swing through the air as he punched the man in the face causing him to release me and drop the lifebelts he was carrying as quickly brought his hands to his now bleeding and mostly likely broken nose. I heard shouting as to Officers pushed their way past the confused people and head over to Henry.

"(Y/n), go! Run!" Henry yelled as one of the Officers grabbed his arm.

I look at him with hurt in my eyes but I managed to pull myself away and bolt down the hallway.

I turn to look one last time and I see Henry being lead off by the two Officers and a very angry staff member.

His Father was the richest man on the ship. He'll be alright. I told myself as I ran through the hallway searching for the lift.

I leave the hallway and finally I spot the lift. Quickly I run over desperate to find Jack as quickly as possible.
But I was prevented by entering by a man who held out his arm blocking the lift from me.

    "I'm sorry, Miss, but the lifts are closed." The man told me.

    "Does it look like I care! I am done with this horseshit! God damn it!" I yell and shove the man into the lift, turning around I slam the metal gate's shut behind us."Take me down. Now!"
The man quickly listened to me as he was very clearly startled and scared at my force.

When the lift stopped and I stepped out the ice cold water was just at my ankles. I turned back to the lift but the man already shut the gates and head back up.

    "Jack! Jack!" I called as I ran through the empty halls with the water rising at an alarming rate.

Just as I was about to give up on my chances on ever finding Jack or even surviving I heard the calls of a familiar voice calling out Jacks name.

    "Rose. Rose!" I yelled as I ran towards her as the lights started to flicker for a moment. I ran through another hallway and turned a corner where I saw her.

    "(Y/n)." She said as I ran over to her.
I could see the worry in her eyes as we both knew that our time was quickly running out. "This way." She said and we made our way down another hallway with the water above our ankles.

"Jack! Jack!" We shouted with no response until.

"Rose!" We heard Jack yell not to far off behind us. Just hearing his voice brought both of our spirits up and strengthened our hope.

"Jack!" I yelled as we turned around and headed towards where we heard his voice.

"(Y/n)!" Jack yelled. "Rose, I'm in here!"

"Jack! Jack!" Rose and I continued to yell. Finally we came to a closed door and when Rose opened it we saw Jack handcuffed to a pipe.

"Jack!" Rose said as she walked over to him. "Jack, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Rose cried and then put her hands around his neck and they kissed.

"That guy, Lovejoy, put it in my pocket." Jack explained and Rose hugged him.

"I know. I know." I sobbed.

I stood off in the corner, it made me happy to see how much they both cared for each other but the sudden pain of the icy water that rose further up my legs reminded me of our limited time.

"Jack. Is there a key anywhere?" I ask interrupting the two of them.

    "Maybe. Look in that cabinet right there. It's a silver one." Jack said.

Rose quickly rushed over and looked through the keys hanging on the hooks.

    "Silver." Rose repeated as I started searching the cluttered top of a desk. "These are all brass ones!" Rose said.

    "Check over here, Rose." Jack instructed and Rose ran over to the desk pulling out a drawer and frantically dug through it.

    "Rose..." Jack started at Rose stopped searching to look at him. "How'd you find out I didn't do it?"

    "I didn't. I just realized I already knew." Rose said and they smiled at each other.

     "Keep looking." Jack reminded her as I started going through another drawer.

    "No key." I said after Rose and me tore apart the room.

    "There's no key!" Rose yelled more panicked.

    "All right, Rose, (Y/n), listen. You're gonna have to find some help. It'll be all right." Jack told us, by now the water was up to our knees.

     "No I don't want to leave you." Rose insisted.

    "Rose you have to." Jack said.

    "Rose I'll stay with Jack now we have to hurry." I told her.

    "I'll be right back." Rose said at she gave Jack a kiss and left the room as quickly as she could.

Rose knew it was more likely for someone to help a first class girl than a third class one so she understood that this was the only chance we had at saving Jack.

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