Coming up with a New Strategy!!

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Gon is in the Forest of Zevil Island and is trying to think of how he can get Hisoka's badge without having to fight him.

Gon: I have to be careful. The way he took out all of the examinees during the First Phase was deadly. Those cards he has.

He then notices two applicants.


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Kyu turned, feeling someone was nearby, only not to see anyone. But that's because Pokkle was in the grass.

Pokkle: Okay, I got this. Now-

He takes out his bow and arrow, and-

Pokkle: Steady, steady-

He fired and Kyu attempts to dodge, only for the arrow to graze his arm.

Gon: He missed?


He then collapsed.

Pokkle: Gotcha. He should be out of it for days.

He takes Kyu's badge and walks off with a confident smile.

Gon: I see. He made sure to drug the arrow so that he didn't have to confront him. That was good thinking.

He takes out his fishing rod.

Gon: I should be able to snatch Hisoka's badge if I practice. Wait ... damn!! I need to consider his speed into it.

He notices birds nearby.

Gon: Well, here goes.

Night soon falls...

Despite several tries, Gon is nowhere near closer.

Gon: AAAAAAAARGH!! How hard can this be?! I'll just try again in the morning.


Ruby is looking around the forest.

Ruby: Okay, I need to make sure that my target doesn't try to attack me. But, my hunter could be close too.

She hears rustling in the bushes.

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